Purposefully corrupt macbook air

I want to purposefully corrupt my macbook air from 2019. I want the hard drive to be unrecoverable with nobody able to recover. Any suggestions?

Attached: download.jpg (233x216, 4.64K)

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install macos

just use it like you normally would, maybe it does stuff like this

Why? If it is a SSD it has trip just reinstall all the data will automatically delete itself unlike HDD

modern apple laptops are fucked out of the box, you don't have to do anything

ask your parents for a new one

the feds are still gonna find ur special folder

good morning sir
you may have see sir he is not ask to fixing his apple macbook good sir
he is ask to breaking hard drive
have good day sir

drill the ssd

Doubt. Did your girlfriend leave her MacBook at your place when she went on that date with Tyrone?

Attached: smadopo.jpg (441x331, 59.22K)

Sudo rm rf -r / works on mac.

>shred -u
i fucking love linux

Attached: 01000.gif (220x396, 1.59M)

Get a fucking power drill faggot

dumb pedo

Take hammer to the flash chips.

Install arch.
Wait 2 weeks.
sudo pacman -Syu
try not to get caught in the fireball.
Sell brick to mason.

Just take it out and microwave it


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Put it here during little rocket mans next test. it's the only way to be sure.

Attached: onlywaytobesure.png (829x1056, 771.28K)

Attached: image556912-efc80254202fbe5da4ef4473710255e5.jpg (400x250, 4.56K)

Darik's Boot and Nuke