What’s more degenerate, keeping the dick and being a "shemale" or having vaginoplasty?

What’s more degenerate, keeping the dick and being a "shemale" or having vaginoplasty?

I’m honestly leaning towards keeping it because I don’t trust the surgery and its results, but I’m also worried whether I’ll ever be accepted and fully pass then

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chicks with dicks are superior over "real" women

Keep da dick

keep the dick
learning to tuck properly is a better option than risking the surgery. i don't think it's quite advanced enough to be worth the risk

Will you be mistaken for a man because of the penis or because of the gaping man made stink hole where a penis used to be?

Have you actually done the reaserch on vaginoplasty?

It doesn't exist to turn you into a female. It exists to take advantage out of people with gender disforia and take 20/40k out of their pockets. They don't give a fuck that your new hole will smell like shit, get infected and filled with pus every three months and will be filled with hair.

You can find dudes that want to fuck your ass. You can't find dudes that want to stick their dick in a smelling hairy infected pus filled wound. I would literally rather put my dick in a glass full of roaches. And I do fuck trannies

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Vaginoplasty is a self destructive tragedy. You're so damaged underneath that sex is basically worthless.

The sight of an obscene, small, useless flapping dick as the trap's gaping, lower degradation hole is vigorously fertilized is much better... Dick hardening stuff !

This person has an acquired taste
I probably will keep it
I have seen pictures and read stories of it. That’s why I’m not fond of it.
Since my dick is small anyway I’m hoping it will shrink some more and look cute!


Do not remove it. I repeat-do not remove it!
The reason most of us like trans girls is because of the dick.

Watch this OP, you can probably skip the first half if you want. The dude interviews a trans-person who actively feels like the surgery ruined their life.

Isn’t this that documentary everyone talked about? I don’t really want to watch it, because I feel like it will only make me feel dysphoric or cringe.
I’ll believe you though and take into account that yet another trans woman was hurt by the surgery

Keep it. Btw white cocks look very feminine, especially if their small so it should be no big deal.

nononono keep it

I don’t have any respect for trannies. But the trannies that keep a dick, make an effort with their appearance, and basically retain their manly shit talk, not offended, not campaigning, and have an ounce of self respect, I can tolerate. I can let those ones do them, because they’re not pushing their crap on everyone else

Why not just be a man because you know.....you are a man.

user i.......nevermind.

The only thing I’d campaign for is like better and more accessible health care and therapy because that’s all a huge issue and probably why the suicide rate is so high. Many don’t make it to hrt and so on

I found a snippet of it on Youtube if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

Not worth the argument user... its just not worth it.

That mutilation surgery is a fucking joke and also you will never be a woman anyways

Attached: dreams.jpg (546x896, 61.54K)

I get both sides. Yes, a penis is masculine. What the other user is thinking is probably like feminine=cute and it looks cute and doesn’t destroy the whole package if it’s small and white so since it fits in with the feminine body it’s feminine (I guess?)

Do it... and kill yourself after because of it.

The reason it is so high is because they are chasing something that is unattainable. They think maybe if I wear woman's cloths and make up ill feel like a woman. Nope. Maybe if I take hormones ill feel like a woman. Nope didn't work. Maybe if I get surgery to turn my dick into a fake pussy wound I'll feel like a woman. Nope still a man. It is impossible for them to ever be a woman no matter what they do so in the end they commit suicide. These people need help. It is a mental illness and no amount of transitioning will help.

Neither of you fags actually care, why dont you do the bitching to get it over with

>calls people fags
>likes dudes pretending to be woman
I think you might be the fag, user.

Well yes, if all of that and the social transition don’t make them feel like a woman, they are ill and desperately need in help.
In my case, I just need hrt and then I’ll be fine

keep the dick, I'm a relatively straight guy but you look good enough to smash. how big is it?

Serious answer to a probably fake post. I'm a degenerate. I've happily fucked women and transwomen. Whatever you care to label me (e.g. straight, gay, bi, fag, etc.) is fine -- I'm-a do what I do.
Getting that out of the way, I've only seen one faux vagina, in person, and it was weird. It looked off, smelled off, and felt off. I was always happier and more satisfied with real vaginas and real dicks (personally, I liked the smaller ones, but not enough to make a whole deal out of it).
Basically, I think I'm in the same boat as a lot of guys who are attracted to the same people as myself. Unless they really get better at vaginoplasty, real vaginas and real dicks will always be preferable. Also, neither of those will lead to lifelong dilation requirements, infections, lack of sensation, or other problems.
Basically, I'd fuck you so long as you keep your dick.

That's what you think but you will do hrt and still feel like a man. Seek help before it's too late user.

Like 4 inch erect and smaller when soft, I’m a grower lol
Thank you for the elaborate answer. This is exactly why I am also leaning more towards keeping my dick. If it’s small and shrinks more from hrt it’ll be fine I hope

Thanks, but I’m good. Where I live you need therapy and psychiatry to even access hrt legally. I’m diagnosed with transsexualism and fine aside from that. Hrt will solve my dysphoria and that’ll be it