Why does Any Forums shill linux for free?

List of lies told by linux users include
>muh security (you don't have much, the bank teller could compensate you with her pocket change)
>muh privacy (you should stop hiding and come out of the closet)
>muh stability (go fix your life for stability, instead of your OS)
>muh customisation (you should get money so you can customize things in real life, like your appearance)
>muh free (if your time is worthless)
>muh cool factor (grow up)
>muh typing is faster than using a mouse (for linux, since linux users have no taste to design a good GUI, also linux can't do shit so yeah, why need a mouse)
>muh GIMP (ok bro, write Gimp on your resume and get dat chedda)
>muh freedom (you have less of it by restricting your choices in hardware, software, peripherals, and the rest of it just to please Stallman)
Please go on and tell us how linux is "great" and how macOS "sucks"". I hope you linux shills type this response in a terminal-based web browser and have no less than 500mb RAM used on your 32 GB RAM thinkbad, otherwise you're a "noob" and should just install "oobuntoo". Who the fuck names their business-backed OS some shitty oogabooga mudhut dindu word nobody even knows how to pronounce. Oh right, those linux people have no taste, nor any sense. Every linux project undertaken fails, gets rebuked by same linux populace, or provides no actual advantage over macOS. Just capitulate already. Your shitty OS is literally a knock off of real UNIX aka macOS. Literally a parasite, that clings on the popularity of macOS because it has no personality, like the users of linux.

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>you hsould stop hiding and come out of the closet
How did OP find out

Me on the right
Didn't read, btw

lol macos

the iBotnet is everywhere
friends with iphones are not friends, they are npc spydrones

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Hoooly seethe

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Many years of experience.

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man you guys really know how to run with unfunny jokes. kys

Sauce should be Suzuka-sama no Geboku. Didn't read, btw.

Imagine being such a bluepill xD

Didn't read btw.

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source is probably some shit like inflation or vore. but ops is a faggot and cut out so it looks more fun

the only thing sadder than the guaranteed replies to this bait are the fact that there is someone who genuinely has nothing better to do than post it all day for literally years on end
if you are so fucking anhedonic that you cannot be assed to do anything else in your free time then neck yourself already. goddamn

>you should stop hiding and come out of the closet
You should connect fork or hang yourself

>be linux, a kernel
>have a bunch of faggots tack a bunch of shit on you making you a desktop os while still just calling it linux
>get shit on by people using desktop OSes which aren't developed by bickering freetards working on 9000+1 different parts of the OS which have no communication amongst each other while relying on each other and creating protocols for other projects to follow

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>calls Linux a parasite
>uses macOS as an example of not being a parasite
>Mac was made using BSD
>Mac is a parasite cancer that grew off the back of free software
What did OP mean by this?

inherently random for anything. All words come from someone pointing at something and making a sound. This is true for free projects and for paid projects. Ubuntu is just as random as MacOS.
>Who TF is Mac?
>Macintosh oh sounds kind of oogabooga to me

>limited hardware
Kek, again using apple is retarded you literally can only use their hardware and nothing else. You might get lucky with a hackintosh, but you'll have the same compatibility issues. Linux at least tries to run on most hardware and succeeds even if it might be in a worse state on some hardware vs others.
Funny cause Linus and the other contributes wrote everything by themselves. Unlike Apple who stole from a free project and continues to do so to this day. They are the parasites here.

Fuck me I jerked off so many time to that one.


I see the filter is working as intended and producing delicious seething.


Why do you shill Mac for free they don't care about you user.

Linux: Free Project you can Download
Mac Billion Dollar dollar company

Which one is more pathetic to shill?

>use a fucking toy for toddlers to work
yeah no i'll stick with linux