Why do YT women age so badly. She’s only 27

Why do YT women age so badly. She’s only 27

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Well because your a pedo and prefer woman that are15 to 22yrs old.

aging depends on your genes, not your race. Also she was always fucking nasty and looked older than she was. You could use her chin as a hammer…4/10 at best

Op gives 1 example.
Thinks the argument is over.
Grow up & leave the playground son.

you just have diarrhea of the brain because she's a celeb and has a unique facial structure

No, actually. Once they turn 20 I lose interest. Maybe it's all psychological. Like I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But they lose all appeal to me when they are no longer teens.

It’s fairly common fact that white women age like shit.
Also MODS ban this pedophile. Probably a trump supporter too. No surprise he’s also into incest

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I can cherry pick too. She’s 71 years old.

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What...is that?
Bitch needs to have her jaw broken, shaved down and reqired as nothing I am seeing there is feminine or fucking attractive.


The ONLY attractive old ass white female who happens to be a multimillionaire and can afford to look good old, has no other purpose in life but to look good.

All surgery stupid ass

hollywood uses unique faces so you remember them better, regardless if they're you're version of a perfect barbie doll you low test nigger.
grow some balls, get some taste you fatass nigger with clogged arteries, ED.

yfw being a pedophile isn't illegal

Melanin never cracks you cracka

White skin doesn't deal well with sun exposure and all the make-up that some people use.

15 is not pedo tho

Is that why all Chris Hanson’s visitors are YT

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>l-l-let me move the goal post
Cope and seethe, faggots

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Inferior genes. The result of inbreeding and drinking shit water on a secluded, worthless island for thousands of years. I'm fortunate that some vikings had pity on my great (x10) grandmother by raping the fuck out of her, just so that her kids would be a little less retarded.
We play up the British as conquerors, but really they were the most brutish, ugly, and idiotic people on the planet. Only true undermensh would invest all of their time and limited resources into genocide and colonizing other places. Africans, Native Americans: the reason we were able to kill them was because we were so disease ridden, and because they had spent most of their time figuring out the big problems in their society. Instead of docking all their points in weapon making.
Like how to cure diseases, make governments that worked, not rely on slavery.

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Hmm. What's her net worth? What's her entire bit??
You goddamn moron ape you.

She looks like shit. Just pathetic. This woman is 32 but looks to be in her late 40s

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This is a fairly new phenomenon. The age of the attractive celebrity is over. Body positivity and acceptance mean that it's no longer an advantage to be attractive. This probably means an overall uglifying of the gene pool. In a few generations the human race will all end up looking like a mix of abbos and gooks.

Supposed super aryan genes

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Late 40s? Have you ever seen a woman irl?

Um no she clearly has wrinkles at 27. Celebs should stop having dehydration orgies they have bad effect on skin

There's a bell curve. Most niggers end up warty and fat. Most white people end up looking desiccated.