Which one of you based fucks found this?

Which one of you based fucks found this?

Attached: 0F03FFFA-8177-4E18-9EAE-61ED9F0704F9.jpg (828x1293, 563.38K)





fuck fuck you


n word


don't mind me. just testing some regex





republicans don't care. taylor fucked other men and cucked her husband and nobody talks about it like ever

Attached: IMG_1721.jpg (3600x2700, 1.96M)


Something largely misunderstood about the Right, in particular those of faith, is the story of redemption. You can do wicked things in your life, but if you repent and you work to better yourself then you can be forgiven.

If this is true, her former lifestyle would have been lauded by the Left. The only reason why they would care now is hypocrisy and the lack of understanding.

Right MAGAtards: You are doing better with your life, we forgive and support you for leaving sin behind you.
AngrySoyJack: NOOOOO You're supposed to hate her now!!

Makes me like her even more. Need pics


So basically republicans can do anything they want as long as they apologize? Is that how Trump got away with raping ivanka?

>Twitter as a legitimate news source.


First, repentance is not the same as apologizing. Second, you're a fag.

Leftists shaming sex workers?

Yeah like how Madison Cawthorn had a video leak of him mouth raping his male cousin and then he totally won his re-election, right?

No that's when the left do blackface, they do a fake apology and nobody talk about it again in the media

Calling out hypocrisy. "Rules for thee but not for me" is wrong wherever it comes from.

>grab em by the pussy
the ship sailed long ago on the party of family values

Attached: gop_pedos.jpg (580x326, 56.64K)

He has danced around all the shit that was dug up about him, and he lost his primary, soooo, what exactly is your point here?

Plenty of that on both sides

>Madison Cawthorn
>“I subscribe to Judeo-Christian beliefs,”
Pretty much says it all.

OP, thinking for one second that republicans give a single fuck about values when it comes to members of their own party is the absolute height of stupidity. They do not fucking care about this shit. What they do care about is winning elections and making sure that the libs and niggers have a shit existence, even if it means their own existence is shit as well.

whew lad

It's not repentance if they don't mean it and just keep doing it over and over again.

Could you describe the Dem politicians any better?

Uniparty anyone?

You read her Wikipedia page?

This cunt wasn't smart enough to get through high school and lies about everything. Just a whole bizarre life of failing upwards

Of course. Switch around republican for democrat and it is the same truthful statement. But this thread was about supposed hypocrisy of a republican congresswoman. Had this thread been about Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading then we'd be talking about that.
And that's what I don't get about you fucking niggers. You're all so fucking happy to take the piss out of the other party while your own party is guilty of the exact same shit.

Did we change the topic to AOC??

What do you propose to do about it, faggot?