Around blacks, never relax

Around blacks, never relax

>nigger dates white girl and gets her pregnant
>a month before baby due decapitates her

Of course it’s in Illinois

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we wuz kangz?


Oh well. Toll paid. Another bestiality-based Darwin Award, nothing new.

Kings decapitate people all the time. Story checks out.

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Why are there so many mentally damaged white women nowadays?

Nobody at least moderately intelligent can look at this picture and think anything other than bestiality.

lol typical nigger shit

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Ya know, it's hard to feel bad for these hoes when they're making their own beds with these savages...

>Around blacks, never relax

See a nigger? Pull the trigger!

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brainwashed by tv shows/movies

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Interesting, upon googling the story all but one news outlet refused to show the niggers face. All other just showed hers, never a portrait of the perpetrator...wonder why?

Typical. Libjew media protecting their pet monkeys

You're definitely new here. Lurk Moar.

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also hardly mention in the news

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I don't feel sorry for any woman that chooses to date one on purpose. Lie in the bed you made for yourself, stupid whore.

It’s coulter’s law - the longer it takes the media to identify a perpetrator in a breaking murder case, the less like the perp is a white male.

Yes. Burn the coal pay the toll.

Anne Coulter?

There’s literally a Netflix documentary about a white guy murdering his family, so shut the fuck up.

Thats the oldest 21 year old lookin nigga I've seen since Lebron.

Wow. So it CAN happen the other way. Thank you, kind sir.

Fuck Timmy would have done?

Yes. Do me a favor and spare the “Oy gevalt I don’t like her” diversionary spiel if you’re one of the Shlomos.

There’s literally an FBI violent crime database which shows that despite being 13% of the US population, your little pet niggers commit 52% of the murder.

Literally shaking right now.

Oh wow that just means black people are always animals and white people sometimes fuck up. I'm Mexican and I hate niggers

we know

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EVERYONE hates niggers. A stereotype at some point has to be looked upon as existing for a goddamn reason. Why does every fucking country seemingly dispise the Jews? Why does every country look down upon, not trust and see niggers as animals? If it were one or two, OK. Maybe something bad happened long ago and they couldn't let it go. Whatever. BUT EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY??? China refused to have a nigger on the Star Wars poster overseas and Disney allowed it!! I mean at some fucking point you just have to say 90% of these fuckers have overplayed their hand at always being the victim and are genuine pieces of shit. It's in their goddamn DNA since birth, as a race.

Based wetbacks.

Huh. Glad to see some Mexicans are taking a bit of pride in their race instead of trying to be niggers. Every time I see some young beaner say “nigga”, I feel awful for his mom and dad and abuela who probably worked their ass off to get to America and build a life in a foreign country.

Only for their kid to shun their heritage and try to be some nigger gangbanger.