Try installing distro Any Forums recommends

>Try installing distro Any Forums recommends.
>Breaks some how.
>Try installing another recommended distro.
>Doesn't work.
>Try with 3 more distros none of them install correctly.
Looks like im back to macOS.

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filtered or baiting?
what exactly does not work for you

Linux Mint Cinnamon.

A bot posts 10 of these threads a day

Did you try fedora? That and Ubuntu LTS are the most "just works" distros i've used

>Ubuntu LTS
unmaintained pos


unless you're running a server, just use a man's os. you made the right choice op.

fucking applesexuals...

That's the point

what's the just werks linux distro?

Just a few years ago, the chances of someone calling Ubuntu a “joke” in public were extremely high. Nowadays, the distro is a solid alternative to Windows or Mac OS X.

Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, Manjaro, any Ubuntu. Ignore the Arch-tards or the Gentoo-tards. They should never be recommended unless someone is a NEET

It is much more user-friendly and it has reached a point where everyone from hardcore gamer to the casual user can enjoy its functionality. Many Linux fans have found Unity to be a revolutionary operating system feature that is actually useful for them, not to mention that it is also gorgeous to look at.

>Nowadays, the distro is a solid alternative to Windows or Mac OS X.

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install guix


You can usually tell these threads are bait because OP will never point out what "distro" he used and call Linux itself unequivocally shit
It's too easy

Go to DistroWatch website and enter in your own advanced search parameters to find which distro you want, it's a neat website
>OS type?
>Package Management?
>Release Model?
Fixed or Fixed (LTS)
>Init Software?
No SystemD

>click submit
>first result

that's what i did, and ive just been using slackware ever since

Why does every distro have a stupid name?
How do you expect anyone to take you seriously? Why would i switch away from macOS when you have such gems as:
oonga boonga
literally just the creator's name and his spouse's name stuck together, he even put her name first like a complete cuck
ah yes i too prefer all of my superman comics in mint condition
does not inspire confidence in the maintainers
ba ba ba ba ba im lovin it
oonga boonga
ah yes i too like to polish my own knob
>puppy linux
cute things are for fags
where do i even start with this one:
* includes the word "damn" in official name
* name already taken by a type of internet service
* same acronym as dick sucking lips
what happened to gen one
also if it's only gen TOO then why do you install it with a stage THREE tarball
ah yes i too like to read dr suse
how the fuck do you even pronounce this shit
it's a phone you fucking retards it doesn't even look anything like a person or have any moving parts
how many layers of redundancy are we on right now
it shouldn't even have a name of its own, at that point it's not even a distro it's just linux, so why give it a distro name
only good name so far
>clear linux
holy shit could a name glow any brighter than this
>suicide linux
wow so eggdy, did you're mom buy that goth outfit for you

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>Art of Linux
Pretty simple, user. Also, Guix is pronounced like "geeks"

>mac user
>gets filtered by linux
like fucking clockwork.