Hi femanon here. Inb4 “show tits or fuck off” kys...

Hi femanon here. Inb4 “show tits or fuck off” kys. A few months ago their was a guy who was really into me but his love language was physical touch. He wanted to hold hands, hug, cuddle and he had this way with eye contact I’ve never experienced with any other guy. He was so caring with me in such a genuine way. Merely looking into his precious blue eyes I could tell everything he was thinking. All the emotion of comfort and gentleness he had in him was on his face when we had our moments together. But I’m a victim of rape and my trauma made me feel immensely uncomfortable even though at the same time I could feel myself falling in love with him. But whenever he would grab my hand and look into my eyes with our faces close together I would feel too vulnerable and it ruined things. I despised having to tell him that we had to break things off but it was the only choice I had. I just couldn’t deal with it.

Any Forums will I die alone because of this shit? He would’ve been such a good boyfriend.

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tits or gtfo


Tits or gtfo
Sage goes in all fields

yes you will. now show tits

Terrible larp. Ywnbaw kys

user, you came face to face with your trauma with this and you can do it again.

Unfortunately it wouldn't be healthy to repeat this cycle over and over but I do believe you can overcome this. You've already had a glimpse into what it's like where the grass is green with this guy, and you now know of at least one of things to look for in a good partner.

Just keep taking steps and try to undo the damage trauma has wrought upon you.

You can do it

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Thanks user that really means so much. I hope you’re happy too! :)

By repeating the cycle, I mean with the same guy. It'll just hurt him in the process if you keep breaking up with him over and over.

But, if you do insist on getting back with him I suggest couples counseling, and explain the situation carefully beforehand to whoever the counselor/psychologist would be.

Mind you I've never had to deal with this before so I'm just using anything similar I can grasp at to try and help

It's really hard for fucking females to properly communicate, isn't it?

Should've just fucking told him wtf was going in your head and tell him about the trauma instead of breaking things off and posting a boo-hoo story on a anonymous image board.

My god, you are so fucking dense.

I get that you're damages and shit, and that sucks and all, but you're using your gender for attention. You know the rules. Tits now. You post nipples with timestamp and i'll fucking ramble woth you for an hour, but not before

Thank you so much. I’ll try this and see what happens! :)

You've associated touch with negative
The only solution is to associate touch with positive
This means repeat exposure to positive stimulus and touch (like a loving caring bf touching you)

But it won't work if you always think about the negative association when there's touch
That will re-enforce the association instead of overriding it with new memories
To set aside the negative association in the moment and experience the positive feeling you must trust your partner

Trust is built over time
The longer you're together the stronger trust usually gets
Because the more often you give people the chance to hurt you and they don't the more you will trust them

What the fuck guys don’t want to read this shit. Guys want to see your naked fat sacks on your chest area and your large oblong pepperoni nipples that look like shit because they’re better than looking at a photo of boobs that have been on the internet for years.
Even your ugly flab folders are better than old already been seen tits.
This isn’t a psychology forum, nobody gives a shit, we’re just here to see your hooters.

Better explained than I ever could have

Fuck off you no tits seeing faggots. This isn’t the happy Reddit faggot hour.

OP is learning to not fear, now cope.

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I spot a crab. I refuse to be pulled down by you

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You will never be a real woman. You do not pass and you will never pass.

Cool assumption bro, now lets get to working on those issues you were telling me about

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Well would you look at the time. Looks like it's tits, ass, or get fuck out'o'clock. No such thing as a free lunch fembot.

Tits or gtfo you rotten skank, you do something for us we do something for you. These are the rules.