Do we have any black people here on Any Forums who would like to comment on if they think the word "master" in computer...

Do we have any black people here on Any Forums who would like to comment on if they think the word "master" in computer terminology is racist?

I am working on a tutorial series. I don't want to get political. But keeping the branch equal to master will make things easier.

Attached: 004.MASTER_SPLINTER.png (499x392, 13.01K)

no idea bump

There are next to no black people who legitimately care about this. Modern social justice rhetoric is produced entirely by white academics.

another one

This is Any Forums. You are either trolling or legitimately retarded if you think you'll get serious answers.

Retarded then. Because you just gave me a serious answer.

I do suspect it's mainly white people telling other white people what is racist. For example, I learned the "OK" game from a black guy.

sjw "warriors" don't know what git is, so stop worrying about it

No, I think we should replace it with the word 'Massa'.

you spelled jewish wrong

Our network is called the nigger network. We use the KKK servers.

Server? That sounds kind of racist.

Asking whats racist as if you cant tell is racist. Its reverse racism to deliberately walk on egg shells to appease minorities as if youre going out of your way to give them the opportunity to subject you to their most ridiculous demands in hopes it will absolve you of being born into social and often financial favor. Live your goddamn life and make better choices than the people who came before you but understand the huge fuckin head start your people got by fucking people over when looking at the decisions of those that are not the same race as you.

>using windows for git
Who gives a fuck about master compared to this travesty.

When I tell people I am on windows and I use ".a" files __NOT__ ".lib" files they don't believe me.

But if you use GCC on windows and not Visual Studio you find the "linux" build instructions , not the "windows" build instructions are the ones that work.

Hey, I just do what works. #1 priority is code that works.

>using gcc on windows
You were so preoccupied with whether you could, you never stopped to ask if you should.

I am open to suggestions for alternatives. But for the moment I am stuck on windows. I make heavy use of a 300,000 entry shortcut file which is managed by AutoHotKey.

AutoHotKey , the worst language I have ever used in a serious capacity.

Ubuntu is free, noob-friendly, dual-bootable, and unlike windows is POSIX compliant.

>But for the moment I am stuck on windows.
Windows and "devops" does not work together. Use other tools

>Ubuntu is free, noob-friendly, dual-bootable, and unlike windows is POSIX compliant.
get your facts straight, user


It's racist as hell cuz a honkey invented it

Which part do you disagree with?

Black guy in IT here. No one gives a shit. It's like asking if mother node is offensive or some shit.

fuck nigger

The last time I tried duel booting I almost bricked my computer from fucking with the bios. I do intend to use linux on my next machine though. Just don't want to risk messing with my only computer.

I also want to put more ram in my computer, but same deal. Super paranoid I will fuck up my machine if I open it up.

I've had this computer since 2017.

It's pretty nice. Small form factor and 4 HDMI ports. And I do use all of those ports.

Attached: BATTLE_STATION.jpg (1024x768, 281.42K)