This is the country at "war" with Russia that requires billions of dollars in taxpayer money...

This is the country at "war" with Russia that requires billions of dollars in taxpayer money. Meanwhile the rest of the world is forced to pay half their income to pay for gas and taxes.

Attached: muhwar.png (640x649, 568.49K)

Quick, bomb them while their guards are down

You're not getting it

fuck putin let them have a beach day.

Attached: 1650285506507.jpg (540x587, 62.74K)


this was months ago

I assume you're a troll and not this retarded

OP confirmed russian

user, we have literally found a way to outsource our wars so that it's only non-american niggers who are dying, and you're complaining?

Shut the fuck up and fill up your tank, it's better for you to pay an extra 2 bucks a gallon than some poor american boy from bumfuckville in the midwest getting maimed by white niggers. I mean, Jesus Christ, we're basically cucking Putin by proxy, without the threat of nuclear war, and the rest of the world is loving us for it.

>this was months ago
It was taken today you idiot

> cell phone
The Russians couldn't even disable communications?

Heт, нeт, тoвapищ! Этo oчeвиднo! Bы дoлжны быть ocтopoжны и cкpывaть, нa кoгo вы paбoтaeтe. Кpoмe тoгo, вы нeкyльтypны, и вaшa мaть тpaхaeт coбaк, a вaш oтeц тpaхaeт вaшy cecтpy.

>I don't have a job and mommy pays for my shit

You're mad at ukraine and not your own governemnt for diverting the entire afghanistan war budget to another country so they can make money from war contracts without even losing american lives? Its no wonder you americans are so fucked. You let them fuck you and you have no idea its happening because you are being played by scapegoat tactics over and over again.

> have no idea it's happening
No shit it's gucking happening. We have the most billionaires and lawyers in the world, though. The fuck is anyone supposed to do? You're so smart, you tell us

Who said we can't be mad at both? Either way there's clearly some funny shit going on here when we have the media constantly crying about Ukraine, yet people flock to the fucking beach like it's business as usual. Why are there men on the beach? I thought every man of fighting age was suppose to be fighting the Russian army?

>brits go to the beach in the early 40s so the whole ww2 thing is questionable
>people holiday on the dalmation coast in the early 90s so the croats weren't at war with the serbs
>pictures of ukranians on the beach means the footage of war and corroboration of activity from russia is kinda sus
makes u think thanks OP

mad props.

Is this country fighting a war or not? And again, why are men on that beach? I count at least 20 or so. I'm sorry but something is super fishy here and the whole thing fucking stinks.

Yeah yeah yeah, Tell me how having the ability to have some other people do our work for us is a bad thing? There's literally no downside, Hell, this is how Al Capone got away with shit until the government came up with Racketeering as a criminal charge.

Feel free to keep attacking me all day long, but this is fucking great and the fact you're salty cause you, as the one of us who has no job, has no ability to fill up his own tank at $5 a gallon.

>counting the topless men in a beach photo with women in bikinis