Be me, heroin addict

>be me, heroin addict
>been injecting heroin since I was 17, now 25
any anons offer advice on how to stop my addiction? Even the thought of it makes me angry and I keep lashing out at family members when they suggest I go to rehab

What do.. Im in a terrible state

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Do less heroin

Dude send it all to me please.

Heroins a fucking heavy one user. You actually need help with that. Is rehab an actual option? Do you really want to quit? You won't quit unless it's something you really want to do

Go to rehab, faggot. Or clearly you just don't hate yourself enough yet.

Switch to Red Bull and Monster and go to Rehab, after you get out pick up some hobbies

Larp bot post.

If you want to stop then just quit being a bitch, man up and quit that shit. Yes its going to be hard as fuck and you will feel like shit for a good while but the only way to do it is to do it bro.

do activities that release serotonine and dopamine naturally: work out, hobby, study, talk to ppl. it's fucking hard and non magical, and you won't see results after many months, but it's the only way

Rehab is an option, but I dont want to go because I dont want to quit. But family are asking me to and I'm doing a lot of crime to fund my habit.

Seriously where the fuck do you even get heroine?

I wish it was

>Im in a terrible state

All junkies should be publicly executed.

From my dealer

Move somewhere else. Completely change your surroundings. You'll either quit or become a street zombie. Sounds like you're becoming a street zombie anyway so you might as well risk it.

Take Kratom to help fight the withdrawals and pick up a hobby

be a filthy criminal junkie then faggot....its people like you that give me ten dollar blowjobs

You have to be willing to see yourself as the kind of person who doesn't do this stuff. That's really it.

It's self-fulfilling. You believe you're the kind of person who can shake an addiction and stay clean, or you don't.

Why are you on here asking stupid questions then? It just sounds like you're looking for attention user. You're clearly happy being scum so what are you looking to find on this thread? I imagine you're robbing people trying to make an honest living. You should probably just hang yourself do everyone a favour.

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And I'll steal your car and belongings from your house

I'm trying to quit you stupid fuck

You can't do heroin in prison

I'll pay for your blowjobs with counterfeit 20's and you won't even care

Yes you can

>rehab is an option but I don't want to go because I don't want to quit.

Lay off the smack you fucking idiot, you can't even remember something you put 5 mins ago.

Develop self control, a pair of balls and discipline. Stop taking your shit and take the withdrawal like a man or taper off until youre taking small doses then stop. It's only up to you to change, fagboy.

Become a hitchhiker. You will at least be doing less heroin.

Op is an addict. He's only going to get addicted to Kratom. Be real here fucko.