/twg/ - Tech Workers General

(Formerly /tjg/ - Tech Jobs General)

Fullstack madness Edition.

Thread for those of us who actually work in tech to tell workplace stories, complain about coworkers and management, share advice on how to progress in careers, and discuss the technologies we use at our cagies.

>Getting Started
Want a tech job, but have no degree, skills, or experience? Read these before ruining this thread with basic questions:
Come back once you have informed questions about interviewing, salary negotiation, etc...

>Interview Prep

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff

>How to Respond to Recruiter Spam


>IRC Channel
#Any Forumstwg on Rizon
kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#Any Forumstwg (web client)

Please suggest more links to add to the lists


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ok so uh
I meet the requirements for a position
what happens if I get the job?
do I really have to interact with other people?
anything to bear in mind once I'm in?

>do I really have to interact with other people?
depends on the job, I barely interact with anyone
>anything to bear in mind once I'm in?
just chill

I just said "shady" to be identifiable, really, because that's the impression you guys got when I first described my situation.
They look legit, they have giants of the industry backing them to come up with a solution a problem I want to solve too (logistics shit, boring I know).

German bros.

I'm a third worlder looking to jump into your beautiful country to be a contributing IT member of your society, I'm not a nigger and I won't pollute.

How can I achieve this? I already speak your shit language (C1 level) and I have professional webshit experience.

I also have some meeting scheduled with your arbeitsagentur thing but it's probably just guidance, nothing concrete.

Any help or pointers? Any fellow thirdie has achieved this?

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Coming up with lies to tell in today's daily scrum.

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we're full

>beautiful country
Oh user...

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Imagine being so desperate you want to move to G*rm*n* of all places. Jesus Christ user...

you keep posting this but you never elaborate, what's wrong with germany?

there's brown people and everything is illegal

>low wages
>high taxes
>high cost of living
>no remote work culture
>rent is one the same level as dublin/london/lisbon everywhere
>houses are unaffordable
>healthcare is shit unless you pay out of your own pocket (you are still forced to pay for the shit healthcare)
>full of sandniggers
>extremely unsafe (Ukrainian refugees are already going back because they realized that a literal warzone is safer than g*rm*n*)
Go to literally any other European country (except maybe london).
The only thing you will find in germany is suffering.

this is what the job is all about

Boys didn't get to see me for a debrief again today
I left work at 4pm and didn't stick around

Third world shitter here.
Many of my friends currently work in Germany and are being cucked to hell and back with taxes.
Burgerland is the Elysium you're looking for.

>Manager sends me 6 complex tasks to do in 3 days while he's on holidays
>Only finished 2 of them, I'll finish another one today

He's probably going to be mad, but I don't care. This manager doesn't understand what is a healthy workload for a 40 hour work week. I got to the point I don't care if he fires me. He's probably not going to do it since he only has 2 devs right now (counting me) and the other one is getting burned out as well. If one of us leaves the other one will probably follow through shortly after.

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>be europoor
>have a call with hr thot
>she doesn't speak my language
>her english is terrible too
They already have a piss easy job and can't even be bothered to learn english?

So I'm at the stage where I need to hire people for my business. How do I hire the "right" person?

>*hires two new devs*
What now, fag?

advertise the job here, duh
time for 4channel users to get connected

Not user's problem.
He probably has moved on to a much better job by then.

Enjoy as a manager with little technical experience having to explain all the half-done projects and codebase while at the same time the execs are pressuring you for not delivering anything.

He knows that right now we are irreplaceable and the company is on a hiring freeze, so he can't pull the typical "I hire a new dev, you teach him everything and then I can fire you if I like because I have a backup guy".

The thing is that instead of treating us well with a logical workload he's trying to juice us as much as possible and make us work overtime for free. He's behaving like a complete retard and he's seeing backslash now that we are beginning to be fed up with his bullshit.

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I interviewed for a Rails position today. I like Ruby, and I don't care who knows it. Been crushing LeetCode and reading up on algorithms, I was ready for everything they threw at me. Today was a good day.