Why do my friends get mad when I do anything with my life? They talk shit about me over everything I ever do...

Why do my friends get mad when I do anything with my life? They talk shit about me over everything I ever do. I build a new house, apparently im retarded because new houses are shit. I buy a new car and it's a piece of shit. I go to gym apparently I don't need them and a faggot who doesn't drink anymore. I literally need their approval before I do anything with myself or they talk shit behind my back and have such a negative opinion on me. What do?

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stop being a homo

Drop those toxic friends, make better friends.

Good friends would support you improving your life

Name of girl?



natalie mars
call them out on being pathetic losers everytime

Get new friends and stop caring. Theyll keep doing it if you show them that you care that much about their opinion

she got a wee wee!

Got news for you son, lol

OP here when I hang out with them, whichever friend is not around they all talk shit about them. I feel like they're all perfect privileged people who think they can rip on everyone over the smallest shit. It's fucked. But i've known them all my life and I feel they're capable of ruining mine if I abandon the group.

Are they women? They sound like women

Woman and Men. They talking behind my back because I got a new job and it didn't work so i returned to my old career. Apparently they're annoyed as fuck because im indecisive

sounds like you're surrounded by absolute cunts. talk shit about them right to their faces


Leave that group and go to therapy

Tried a new career, are your friends a
part of your former profession? Are the
perhaps jealous of your success?

I slap my dick on the table. It makes a soft noise like *snic* *snic* *snic*, leaving behind a smeared dot of precum.

Lol you finally realised what I was telling you the whole time.
They are shit brains.
Meet me in da caves

Why does it make sound?

Nothing makes losers angrier than a person actually TRYING to improve their lives. It makes them feel weak because they don't want to put in the work to get better.

I'd work on surrounding yourself with better people.

the fact you posted a trans makes everyone believe you're the autistic one js

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