Why do yall love using the n word so much its a genuine question

why do yall love using the n word so much its a genuine question

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because you can't use it anywhere else but here, nigger

n i g g e r

Same reason dumbass eve ate the forbidden fruit and tiktaalik left the ocean, because we were told we couldn't

Nigger = willfully ignorant
Racists from an antiquated age still use it to strictly refer to black people, which incidentally enough makes those users niggers themselves.

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I don't, its black people cultural appropriation, and I hate black people.

Because this is one of the few places we still can.

t. nigger

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Nigga or nigguh on the other hand has a totally different meaning. Nigga is basically anyone. Most often it's used to describe one's self or one's homies as the mild tempered, often low class, often underachieving kinds of people. Sometimes used to denote kinship or connection on some level as in mahnigga,jpg. Tupac said it best; "I wanna be your N-I-G-G-A so we can get drunk and smoke weed all day. You need a thug in your life.These bustas ain't lovin ya right..."

I'm old and not hip. What does "t. ___" mean?

smh tbh fam

because it's one of the last fucking words that really hits. You can say fuck shit piss cunt cocksucker etc all you want and nobody really gives a fuck, but if you say nigger or faggot people pay attention. Oh sure, they'll hate you for it, but you'll get through.

Nigger is the most powerful word, because niggers and faggots give it power. If nobody cared it wouldn't hit the same.

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It's like when you post something and sign your post, "t. a retard"
>I am a retard, and posted this

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When i was like 14 i thought it was funny now its just habit

Because it's edgy and this is one of the last places where you can say almost anything and not get thrown out.

Thank you.

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They're not wrong though.

Because it's fun to say the naughty no no word and it sounds funny. "Nigger". Just rolls of the tongue. So satisfying. It's like pressing the big red button. Everyone wants to do what they're told they can't

All correct