Is it possible that weed can cause schizophrenia/unravel schizophrenia in people who are prone to it? I swear to god...

Is it possible that weed can cause schizophrenia/unravel schizophrenia in people who are prone to it? I swear to god, anytime I smoke even the SMALLEST amount of weed, I feel like Im losing my fucking mind. My thoughts are out of control, I start thinking horrible shit to where I start physically cringing and expressing shock and grabbing my head, and I end up having to practice deep breathing for hours until the high goes away. Why does this happen to me? Is it a sign of underlying mental illness? I dont get how my friends can smoke endless amounts of weed and are fine, yet I smoke a tiny amount and I feel like Im going to forget who I am and end up in a mental ward.

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>Conclusion:: Cannabis use doubles the risk of developing psychosis in vulnerable people. There even exists a relationship regarding the dose used and the age of first use. Gene-environment interactions that modulate the association between cannabis use and the presence of psychosis have also been described.

Yes that's possible. A well documented trigger of psychosis in people vulnerable to it. I triggered my first psychosis this way, stress was also involved though. Now I still smoke weed, but heavy antipsychotics keep psychosis in check. You should probably quit smoking.

When I smoked weed I smoked it to relax - why would you even touch it if it makes you miserable?

Thank you very much for posting this. This confirms everything I previously thought about it. This is why I love b, all the fucking retards on reddit were trying to tell me "ITS JUST IN YOUR HEAD BRO GET A DIFFERENT STRAIN HURR DURR"
Should I quit for good or just until I can get psych meds of some kind, or wait until Im older, or something?

plan when you smoke better. have some shit ready to go that you really enjoy, vidya, an instrument to play, stuff to draw with. don't smoke if you had a shitty day.
i get really self conscious and paranoid when i smoke, so i only really do once in a great while, and alone at home when i know for sure i have absolutely nothing else going on, and not expecting anyone to call or visit or anything.

No drug effects every person earth the same. People process things differently and the same dose can leave a seasoned 5' stoner chick a little giggly and while a 6ft man having the same dose would be drooling up at the ceiling for a while if he started off at that level.

If its not enjoyable for you and then don't do it. If your friends start ignoring you or whatever because you don't smoke anymore they never were your friends to start with.

Be the sober one if you like to hang with them, us stoners always appreciate a ride and will usually give you a few bucks or something small as thank you. If being sober around high people is uncomfortable then again you need a new group.

Good luck user and listen to your head. Weed clearly isn't for you and never will be. You'll probably have the same experience if you try again in 10 years so just avoid it.

You seem really determined to smoke weed - even after you get meds, why smoke? You could drink, do something else, or even not do drugs/alcohol at all.

>Is it possible that weed can cause...
yes. I buy government weed in canada and the warnings about mental health and shit are plastered all over the cases like pictures of lungs on cigarettes.

Only ignorant "weed cures cancer" types pretend it never hurts anybody.

Because I have an extremely stressful job, and I look forward to coming home and taking the stress off a bit. I used to drink, got fat, then I quit. I lost a lot of weight. Then I started to vape nicotine and chew tobacco for a buzz. Then I tried weed and I noticed all of these problems with my mind when I get high. I need something to take the edge off, thought it would work with weed.

I get where you're coming from, I use alcohol for that, we should both probably be using something healthier like exercise.
If alcohol worked, spirits are relatively low in calories compared to say, beer.

Weed isn't for everybody. Maybe try heroin?

You are retarded. You should take a chemistry and biology class the. Come back and say that.

If that’s how you feel after smoking something is wrong with you. It is revealing some deep down mental issue you have and making you face it. I’ve always said if you get violent thoughts or tendencies while stoned on pot. Something is deeply wrong with you

Your weed smoking friends are used to feeling high and enjoy it. You aren't so it makes you anxious, it's pretty common with any psychoactive substance really. I smoke daily and never get shit like you described, maybe when I first started.

Don't smoke it if it makes you anxious and especially don't smoke it if it causes mild psychosis or you have schizophrenia...

real answer try some of the delta-8 or delta-9 type shit you can get at head shops. don't smoke any actual weed for a while first so your tolerance is reset. it'll give you some of the relaxing effects without making you turn schizo

I'm an overthinker so I get this if I haven't smoked in a couple of months, it goes away after a joint or 2

I'm also pretty certain my younger brother developed psychosis from his liberal smoking of weed from about 15/16 onwards

there's a guideline for treating schizophrenia person at hospital and they check if the patient use weed or not, so it's related

This is what Im trying to figure out. I dont get violent at all though, I literally just become dead in my mind. I feel like I forget who I am as a person, and I have to "remember" to keep breathing. I'll feel like an alien to myself and my family.

Another thing Ive noticed, I havent smoked weed in a few days, but I still have this bizarre feeling. I feel like Im not myself anymore. Idk how to describe it that well. I look at my hands and I feel disconnected somehow. I feel like everything is fake. I feel calm, but I feel almost like a mild detachment or something

Alcohol and drug abuse counselor (and former addict) checking in.
All drugs can accelerate any existing mental issues you might already have.
If you have negative reactions, I recommend avoiding experimenting with any drugs at all. If weed freaks you out, stronger things will only be worse .Mental facilities are no fun to be in and it's not worth wrecking your life for a short term buzz. Know your limits.

It's all fake bro. Like the matrix. Weed only makes your current emotions exaggerated.

>If you're watching funny shit, you get the giggles
>If you're feeling hungry, you get the munchies
>Epic music feels more epic
>Masturbation feels more intense

It's all you bro, you decide what feeling gets looped and multiplied in your head. So if you get tilted into feeling paranoid it takes over. It can come from your insecurities or people on b telling you that you're likely to experience schizophrenia. Doesn't matter... it's real only if you make it real.

Also may depend on how long have you been smoking. For me, I used to only experience the good shit, 0 and I mean 0 paranoia. Now days I always start every session questioning whether my life is ok for 20 minutes, before I tell myself to calm the fuck down.

Thank you for posting. Ill take your advice and just throw this shit away. Can I ask you if you've known anyone whos become mentally disabled because of smoking weed?

You do realize that anything you feel from delta-8 is because its just a form of THC your body has a harder time using than delta-9. The end result will still probably cause him the same problems since its acting the same way on the same receptors.

Delta-9 is the straight up "real" THC that is still illegal at the federal level. The whole reasons these other variants are on the market is cause they get you high if you use enough. Maybe not the exact same high but close enough that OP will likely not do well.

I love weed, I think it should be legal for anyone of drinking age who wants it but I don't get why some stoners can hear somebody say "I smoked weed, I felt bad, I didn't like it." and then immediately suggest the answer is a different kind of weed? Its not for him and that's fine.

If its an escape thing you have to do to feel relaxed as opposed to something you do to amplify good feelings then your already on a risky path whether its weed or anything else. If your job is making you that upset its important to do things to bring long term satisfaction. Even if weed worked normally on you it would just mask your feelings for awhile till they grew to be unmanageable no matter how much you smoke you can't put a band aid on it.

Things you've heard before. Eat right, exercise, get a hobby that involves other people and see them often.

Drugs are band aid the way you want to use them, they'll hide the wound for awhile but if its deep enough you'll need a pro to give you stitches and fix it for good at some point or it will keep opening back up.

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I took acid quite regularly, although in small doses, a few months ago. I felt pretty lonely back then and it was a dark winter.
Since then I feel depressed and as if life is meaningless.. I hate that feeling and still hope that it goes away on its own.
Sooner or later I probably have to go to psychotherapy anyway