I would definitely lick her shoes as she spits in my face and beats me to a pulp

I would definitely lick her shoes as she spits in my face and beats me to a pulp.

Is there something wrong with me?

Attached: 1654910130487.png (844x1360, 1.7M)

Id need to lick her feet directly

get a good 'ol taste before rating the meat

The way she crosses her legs is such a turn on, I’d expect her to launch her shoes at me and force me to lick up her feet


Well it's a drawing sooo

>Is there something wrong with me?
yes, feet are disgusting. I would let her tease and bully me though, 100%

I'm eagerly waiting for the technology to catch up.

This is a drawing depicting a 14 year old minor.

NAMBLA member detected. Go touch grass

I don't think you know what NAMBLA actually is, or that OP's image is a girl, and also a drawing and not a real person

stfu loser


Feet are disgusting

NAMBLA? What the hell does Marlon Brando have to do with that?

I would love to get kicked in the face by her

the money I would pay just to smell her elbows

wait what

who tf us marlon brando

underage b&
