Wake up tomorrow

>wake up tomorrow
>look in mirror
>see this
>wat do

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kill myself because if i was a woman i would

bullshit, you'd be getting yourself stuffed with niggerdicks in five minutes flat and you know it

Finger myself and play with my boobs.

Finger myself and suck on my toes... definitely nipple the nails too to taste some tay tay

Fuck 50 women /day and for free

>wake up and make coffee

enjoy life as a multimillionaire

>lie naked in bed
>mastubate and piss and shit and roll and in my filth masturbating until consciousness leaves my body
>wake up
>start again

>endure morning headache
>coffee + smoke
>minor panic attack
>chill out
>set up OF linked to my bank
>make bank
>play with tits a lil bit
>go to bed
>see if I change back next morning

Radio Werewolf Reunion

release albums of unlistenable experimental jazz and musique concréte

kill myself

The sweater's coming off pronto ...
What the fuck am I doing wearing a sweater to bed?

Satan confirmed
How weird is it though that girls can just play with their tits and get thousands of dollars from us guys? Especially with the outreach of Swift? She would make millions easily. Though in her case it may not be worth it for her given the amount of record sales she would lose from overprotective parents.

Fuck black guys

maybe you got wrecked the night before and fell asleep on the floor

Freeform gabber jazz in 23/7 time, featuring a solo on a clarinet powered by a leaf blower.

I'm assuming this is one of those things where you become her for a day/week/month so I'm not in it for the long haul, just get my money and run.

If it was permanent then fuck idk I can't make music, probably just "retire" and live off of royalties and whatever.

through a ring modulator and resonant lowpass filter, guaranteed Grammy nomination right there

lesbian scat porn

open a performing arts academy for hot young lolis who want to sing, seduce them into making lesbian BDSM videos then murder them and dispose of the bodies in a septic tank or w/e

woah, that turned dark
and sexy