How come America’s future was brighter when this guy was in power?

How come America’s future was brighter when this guy was in power?

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Because you're gullible and believe the very blatant lies politicians feed you.

No I believe Joe Biden is building back better.

as with always, the ramifications of the previous presidency are only felt years later.

Balls and no dementia

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>America's future when Trump was elected
you mean the present? Is it good? Are you winning yet?

Because he believed in America and put us first. Biden couldn't wait to crash us into his socialist hell. Fuck, it's bad out there now.

Yep he had the balls to fuck morons like you from behind and didn't forget to give tax cuts to his billionaire buddies.

Are you mentally challenged in some way?

This is my second favorite cope “times are always shitty when democrats are in power because of the republicans. but good times under republicans are because of democrats”

It’s almost as dripping with desperation and retardation as the “party-switch” cope

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Because he was a good leader who cared about actual Americans, encouraged and inspired nationalism, didn't have Alzheimer's and didn't take anybody's shit.

Democrats have the most hollow platform/party ever. Their cities are in shambles, they're openly corrupt, they're more racist than anyone else, they eat their own if they dare to even slightly disagree and they have no real message except blame other people. As soon as they win, things just get worse, which really makes you question their whole argument that it's always someone else's fault.

Ok ya fucking redneck.

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Well, because the Globalist overlords told their little Democrat puppets to make sure Americans are weak, poor, enslaved, desperate, divided and miserable. Easier to control that way.

obvious mercurial moron is obvious

strap on my feed bag

But.... The politicians tell me orange man bad..... Are you the gullible one?

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Quick, everyone start arguing about politics instead of doing literally anything meaningful!

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Because he was keeping globohomo at bay.

The Biden regime printed and handed the 1%, $4T.