How do you anons who work in a super hot climate or outside prevent swamp ass? I take a shower before I leave the house...

How do you anons who work in a super hot climate or outside prevent swamp ass? I take a shower before I leave the house. By the time I am 10 mins up the road I am sweating.

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Maybe no one here has a job

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Baby powder

Talcum powder.
Loose fitting clothing made of natural fibres.

Dont those cake, cause a mess, and cause cancer? Ive been jamming toilet paper up my butthole. It keeps it dry and precents butt chaffing

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Tight fitting briefs made of a lighter fabric.

monkey butt powder is pretty good

use a mix of 5 to 10 percent hibiclens 90% water (DO NOT USE HIBICLENS AT A 100%) spray it in the back of your underwear to kill all bacteria. that shit is powerful, is not going to hurt you at all but try not to abuse it and dont use it directly in your genitals it is like nuking every bacteria in your body.

Talcum is bad but most newer body powers are fine just keep them out of your lungs

I had a colleague who was from southern India. I was talking about how I hated the humid summer weather in the northeast usa, and he told me that he's used to it and likes being a little sweaty.

So, I guess it's just something you learn to live with after a while.

Like the compression ones you jam up your ass. I got a couple of hams I dont need getting wet or rubbing skin to skin

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I got some blunt spray that I spray in the inside of my pants. Its polo blue and works for a really long time.

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ill let you in on thw secret user
dont be a fat cunt

I'm from Southeast US my while life. You dont get used to it. You just deal with it. Some mornings I leave for work and its already fucking 80 degrees at 50% humidity and the sun is just rising. And DONT get me started about after it rains. Dear god try working surrounded by pavement in 95 degree heat just after it rain. Brutal.

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Yeah, I could lose weight. Im only eating chicken and veggies. I still have to deal with these issues. Skinny people sweat too fren. Ive been around some stank ass skinny dudes.

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you can lose weight and change your diet to be lower in stimulants, that might help but you still need 4-5 years of acclimation time and the last factor is mental

Ok fren I trust you

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step 1: don't be a fat fuck

I wonder if I have anxiety, and dont smell but im freaking out in my head.

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Its genetic for people to be big boned. I'm a beefcake

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yeah no your skeleton is the exact same as every other dudes thats your height

Thats a god damn lie. I have muscle dude. I'm built.

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deodorant and cologne, i also switch out shirts after every coffee break.

Your skeleton isn't made of muscle He-Man

I'm a beefcake. I just got a couple hams to smuggle and keep dry.

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You change shirts? How much laundry are you doing? Thats like 18 shirts a week.

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how much do you bench :)

If you're not a fat tub of shit, they won't get wedged up your ass. The fabric stretches across, so it doesn't get stuck up there, you dumb fuck.


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you dont, take a shower.

I jam toilet paper up my butthole and change it every time I have to pee. I walk like 10 miles a day. I only weight 205. I just have some succulent trouser hams I need dry and tasty

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