Top 5 movies

Top 5 movies

1) Joker
2) Falling Down
3) Taxi Driver
4) Nightcrawler
5) First Blood

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Top 5 movies

1. The Room
2. The Desperados
3. The Hulk
4. The
5. The Good Dinosaur

Jurassic Park
The Sandlot
The Thing

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school shooter tier

Ah the classic Reddit incel package

1) Drive
2) Bladerunner 2049
3) Lars and the Real Girl
4) The Nice Guys
5) The Notebook


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What kind of a BBC spamming cuck tranny likes Drive? lmao

Terminator 2
Christ for Arms
Apocalypse now
Raya and the last Dragon

In think of Drive as an action movie for women

Idk. At this moment?
1. That one Batman movie right before Keith Ledger died
2. The Lighthouse
3. Bad Lieutenant
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Grease

Chungking Express
Bladerunner 2049
Byousoku 5cm
Kiki's Delivery Service
Mulholland Drive

i highly recommend chungking express. Its like a hazy 80s dreamscape of autism and love.

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Conan the Barbarian
Jurassic Park
Starship Troopers

1. Aliens
2. Black hawk down
3. The Terminator
4. Back to the future
5. RoboCop

1. The matrix
2. Matrix reloaded
3. Matrix revolutions
4. Matrix resurrected
5. The Animatrix


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3.Dirty Harry
5.Forrest Gump

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1 Pelican Brief
2 Casino
3 Ghostbusters
4 Dirty Harry
5 Ernest goes to Africa (97)

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>Byousoku 5cm
>Kiki's Delivery Service
Be a weeb or don't be a weeb.
Majo no Takkyūbin FTFY.

Cool hand Luke
The Exorcist
Big Lebowski
Forrest Gump

Honorable mentions
One flew over the cuckoos nest
The Shining
back to the future 2

Ok boomer

Most overrated movie of the past 20 years. Imagine putting this above Taxi Driver.

I was born 88, I wish I were a boomer.

>Most overrated movie of the past 20 years

1) Full Metal Jacket
2) Robocop
3) Predator
4) The Thing
5) The Raid: Redemption

Joker blows this away.

Youre 100% gay so youre half way there. Fuck outta here with that shit ass movie list


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Seethe broke worthless zoomer manlet. We want a list that includes Capeshit Part 12 we'll let you out of your cage.

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