It's over

It's over.

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it's been over for a year and some, he just has to get more money from his cultists

Nah, the amercan people are way too dumb for that. Trump will never die and we'll still be electing his shithead nazi grandkids.

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Been over


Cope harder, contard.

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What's fun about these hearings is that republican retards don't understand how the legal system works and what's happening. I'm confident because most don't find it entertaining, they think it's boring. I heard someone say "Put Trump on another channel and he'll kill them in the ratings."

Illiterate, impoverished retards. There's a reason liberals are rich and run the system.

MAGA 2024, bitch. Deal with it.

Your senile chap in the oval office is a fuck up and th DNC deserves to be dismantled.

GEOTUS will gloriously return.

Because when someone says peacefully protest that means riot, right?

Six more years, faggot.

Yeah yeah yeah. We heard this story before, retard. Ain't gonna happen.

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These trials are nothing more than Kabuki theater. Nothing will come of the J6 trials. We're headed for civil war over the next decade.

Biden's 40% approval rating would like to have a word with you. Along with Trump's 116-7 record on endorsements. And the fact that 54% of GOP likely voters will vote for him in the primaries.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

Biden's administration is destroying this country.

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>Murdoch-san! Our propaganda is workingu!

Trials are entering into the public record evidence. It appears you are retarded.

I look forward to shooting at each other in the coming conflict. We will both die for nothing but assholes' egos.

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You all have been reeeeing about a new civil war since the 60s. Won't happen. Texas can't even keep their power going let alone fight a war on 2 fronts.

Too bad he'll either be arrested or dead before the next election cycle. If you're lucky, he might just stick around long enough to endorse Desantis lmao

No, only silver holders run the system.

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Get back to me when something actually happens.
Can we also enter the fact the Pelosi and Schumer turned down the National Guard for January 6? And how the fuck the magnetically sealed doors were opened from the inside?

>Pelosi and Schumer turned down the National Guard
fake news

The irony. Biden is in worse physical shape than Trump. Bigger chance he croaks before 2024

Do you all seriously just sit on Any Forums calling each other retards and shitpost all day? These threads are never ending

Is it though?

the obese man is in better shape?

Cognitively, yes. And obese man can tear it up on the golf course. Biden literally trips up the steps to Air Force One

MTG is a horse faced retard. A fitting leader of your movement.

is that some new way to describe someone's physical shape?