Any ideas to fix and improve the current US government?

Any ideas to fix and improve the current US government?

My ideas so far:

Making lobbying a capitol offense including corruption + a no confidence voting system used by ordinary citizens at an agreed upon time via blockchain tied to their SS# towards any government official including senators, majority whip, president, etc etc

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Real life purge law

>Any ideas to fix and improve the current US government?


>No more career politicians.
>You come from the workforce.
>You run a campaign.
>You are voted in.
>You do the job.
>You fuck off back out, back to the workforce or wherever it was you came from.


VERY difficult to run a corrupt system with this in place.

all that would do is make the elected office a revolving door while handlers behind the scenes are the ones doing all the real work. It would put even more power in the hands of dark money groups. Get the dark money out of politics and reign in the media, that’s the root cause of the issue

>handlers behind the scenes are the ones doing all the real work
handlers do as they are fucking told.

You really want unelected toadies wielding power?

>Get the dark money out of politics
Dark money is in politics in the first place because they develop comfy relationships with career politicians who become more corrupt and disconnected from reality the longer they are there.

>Making lobbying a capitol offense
That alone would fix many evils, but it would prohibit politicians from getting rich from being in power and that means it will never happen

Dindu Nuffin

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I would suggest they get pair a LOT more, and a reasonable pension. But that there's a lot more laws preventing the corruption, and enforcement allowing both pay and pension to be stripped.

currently, pay is:
Senators and House Representatives $174,000
If you're a CEO, that's absolutely fuck all. and so the temptation to take that brib- sorry "donation", is pretty high. Draconian punishment for irregularity combined with high reward for service is a better way of reducing the corruption of donations, lobbyists, and pork barrel bungs.

No more elections. Serving in congress is like jury duty. You get a letter and you're like "fuck goddamn it" and you live in DC making laws for two years. Basically nobody outside of congress is allowed to talk to you and you aren't allowed to talk to others beside family and friends and even then it's monitored for bribery. Every four years the people in congress choose one of themselves to be president.

>But that there's a lot more laws preventing the corruption, and enforcement allowing both pay and pension to be stripped.
"Make laws preventing corruption".
Oh fuck here's the gun laws lobby chiming in.
Politicians, who create the laws, will create laws to prevent themselves from corruption.
What could go wrong?

Just in case you haven't noticed:

Pay them more per year but probibit them or anyone investing in the stock market on their behalf.

Give each member the same amount of money for a campaign and stop individual donations.

Limited to for 4 to 5 terms.

They will never implement any of these because they are all too fucking corrupt but we can dream.

>Any ideas to fix and improve the current US government?

>Outlaw the giving of money to any seeker or holder of public office. Make ALL elections paid for with public tax dollars,

Private money should never determine who holds public office.

>They will never implement any of these because they are all too fucking corrupt
This must be implemented of the shit never ends

Get rid of those nonsensical voting districts, it should be one person one vote, none of this minority with majority power shit for "fairness".

>Making lobbying a capitol offense
Make petitioning the government or communicating what you want to elected officials a Capitol offense? Really?

I dont think you'd like that. Amateur temporary officials who dont even know where the washroom is being led around by unelected staff or "consultants" -- that is going to be way worse than what we have now.

Neat. Government by random people who have no idea what they are doing, who are forbidden to talk to anybody who knows what they SHOULD be doing. Sounds great.


Create a series of autonomous direct democratic neighborhoods with an independent economy, education apparatus and defensive militias

At-large congressional elections within states would be a good step in the right direction.

ye, nuke dc, israel and california.

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Mob tyranny? No thanks. LA & NY shouldn't be allowed to impose their will upon the rest of the country just because they are hive cities - what incentive does the rest of the country have to participate? What's in it for them when a handful of locations can steamroll everyone? That's not how a republic works.