Not my problem, faggot

Not my problem, faggot

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sir please put that cart back I cannot allow you to leave the premise without pushing that cart back into the correct spot sir please get out of your car

based. cartcucks seething.

I feel like I was the only one that enjoyed getting carts in the parking lot when I worked at a supermarket. It got me outside and didn't have to deal with people.

I found a walmart cart a mile from walmart the other day. Wasn't his problem either. And no we don't have homeless ppl here

Fucking scum

It's probably the best task if you are male. Outside. Just pushing shit. People actually appreciate it more than they realize. Get to walk around freely.

>shopping at fucking Lowes
they deserve it

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>inb4 someone posts the thread about how people who cant be bothered to return their carts are not only nigger-tier but possibly less than.

Mein favourite pasta.

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>not putting your shopping part in its space even though the store has employees whose job is to retrieve them will destroy western civilization
I can't believe that polniggers actually believe that


Anyone else here enjoy parking them in even worse spots? I edge myself knowing that it will make a bitch wonder why someone would.

I push them up into nearby garden beds or position them at the back of a parking spot. I'll even park it behind a small car if I can. Fuck you I got mine.

They are nigger-tier, and when I take over the world, everyone who fails the shopping cart test is getting deported to Africa.

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Am I being detained?

Yes, until the cart is returned to its corral.


Absolute trash human being. Kys

I saw an asshole park so close to my door that I couldn't get into my car except through the passenger door. So I surrounded his truck with carts - 360 degrees, two carts thick, all put on their side. Fuck with me I tell ya.

when i see someone doing that i always confront them. because of how tall i am, all my muscle and my deep voice they ALWAYS do what i say and put the cart back in the corral. some even cry and try to apologize hahahaha

I just ram the fuckers with my car

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