be me

> be me
> 20 year old female
> start talking to a french guy on discord a few months back
> he's in his early 20s, I was 19 at the time
> we both have rape fetishes and roleplay fantasies in online chat
> i trust him right off the bat, send him nudes along with pictures of my face, my first name and where i'm from
> we fall out on and off a few times and unadd each other, aswell as I deleting and creating a new discord acc (so not all photos/chat etc. are logged anymore
> anyway, i stopped talking to him and ignored him for a few weeks about a month or so ago because i was doing final examinations
> he gets pissed when i start talking again and ask him why he's not responding, says "if u want to throw me away just say"
> idk what he means by this, we expressed love and desire to meet each other some day, i told him to come and kidnap me, etc etc
> forgot to mention that i only know his first name and have seen his body, dick incl, never his face
> i asked what he meant by that, got not reply
> have been messaging him for weeks and seem to just be ghosted by him
> he said if things ever fall through between us, i.e. i stop speaking with him, he will go to jail for a crime
> however i have neen texting him and getting nothing back
> did he kill himself? or somebody else? do i worry for my own safety? am i in danger?
thank you for reading and i appreciate any advices.

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tits or gtfo







boring looking for genuine responses bye

Please don’t post here ever again. This might be one of the worst threads, if not the worst posts I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t even bring myself to read the whole thing

how come?

This is a post that belongs on reddit.

This is retarded, we know less about him than you. We don't know if he's insane or just a guy who was really hurt by what you did and is petty. If he's not responding and time has passed I would just delete him from it and move on with your life. Nothing you can do about your situation user so I would just try and live in blissful ignorance.

You try to read it. It’s awful, like someone is channeling a spoiled 14 year old girl

Yes, nigger. Of course she can find you. She probably already reported you to the FBI.

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i want to delete him but im afraid he will blackmail me, send things ive discussed with him to my family, expose me, murder me. he can easily find me im scared for my and my families lives. i know he rages from time to time has an urge to hurt girls, has so in the past, it was hot to me but all in a sexual kinky way, i just hope he hasn't hurt anybody.

i did nothing illegal

Again nothing you can do about it. Maybe you should post this to reddit as you'll probably get more useful advice. I don't know, maybe seek help with the police or something and explain your situation on what you can do. I doubt they can do anything but it will probably be more helpful than us.

>ive discussed with him to my family,

Sounds fucked, but one thing my mom always told me growing up is don't confess to shit until your caught. I would not say anything to the family, post maybe to reddit and see if you can contact police explaining your case. If you're in school, maybe set something up with a professor of criminal studies or social studies who knows services out there for people in these situations.

then why would you post pretending to be some chick you clearly threatened to rape?

hold up what? im the girl in the story. my fetish is being raped his was being the rapist.

yes of course id never say anything to them. but im worried it will come out. thats why id never lose his contact just incase. but theres no conversation between us anymore. despite all my txt msgs ive sent.

Tldr op is a nigger lover

hes brown yes but like i have all the more reason to be frightened by him then. dykwim

Nothing can be done (feel like this is a larp) to stop him. No one has control over other people's actions, especially a person they can't contact. I would use the resources I have available, I'm serious about the school thing btw and maybe contacting the police for some sort of advice. If either of these options are too outside your comfort zone post to reddit and see if they have better ideas.

police will do nothing. nobody actually cares and i know that. i figured if i asked men of his callibre (anonymous, misogynistic) i might get a better comprehension of what occurred. i just hope he's okay and alive at least, we really loved each other. id despise if he threw his life away, id rather he just tell me to fuck off and let me know that he found another girl than do this.

You weren't clear with what you wanted then. You made it sound like you wanted advice on how to handle the situation not what his thought process might be from your split.

> be me
> 20 year old female

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i aksed for both

>trust a random guy with rape fantasies
>guy you met on the internet

Didn't read the rest but anything that happens ins your fault

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You may have but despite us being shit bags our priority will be your safety.

fake and gay

>20 year old female
Big doubt. Show your tits before I rape you.