What are the best libraries to learn game dev with c++

What are the best libraries to learn game dev with c++

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write your own god damn libraries. start with png and jpeg decoders. png is very simple.


bgfx + sdl + opengl

nice bait

let me guess..

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how do I de/serialize json files

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Just wait for C++29 reflection.

If you're purpose is to learn stick with those
You're not going to make a real game without an engine bud


This is a joke OP. Do not boost.

For a simple 2D game SDL works well.
I use SDL with the STB libraries for help in 3D as well. I think Source used SDL for a while.

Note if you go this route you will be writing an engine.

Cocos is also a nice engine you can code right on top of.

C++ is also the scripting language for Unreal, if you don't want to make an engine.

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Fastest JSON library that I know of

SIMDJSON for speed because you can. No idea what is the most ergonomic lib. Definitely not boost. Please don’t feed the troll who keeps shilling that POS in here.


simdjson or rapidjson are definitely the fastest
but for ease of use I prefer nlohmann::json

what's wrong with boost?

Unreal engine. Otherwise, take you pick. You can literally choose any graphics, sound and physics libraries.

You don't, use binary.


>I want to program a game in C++ with an engine
Unreal Engine or Godot. Pick one.
>I want to custom make an engine
SDL, SFML, or Raylib. Pick one. It'll give you graphics, audio, and controller inputs. Everything else you gotta do yourself.
>I want to make my own multiplatform library for graphics/audio/input