This is america

>this is america

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Sweden has sky high taxes. Why dont you move there, user?

Sweden also lives under the umbrella of safety provided by NATO despite contributing very little to the defense they're given mostly by the US.

>Why dont you move there, user?
I would if they would take me.

Now do taxes

>be richest country in the world
>"nope, can't afford it"

I'm thinkin we need to give more tax cuts to the rich

Bernie Sanders lost the right to speak to the public he betrayed when he threw everyone under the democrat bus. TWICE.

You realize this country is literally on the verge of an actual revolution full with regime change due to housing costs + ultra low wages, right? You ARE aware.

They are strict on immigration and spending elsewhere making it possible.

Yeah, two more weeks

wtf i love jean bernadotte now

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>richest country in the world
>$30,000,000,000,000 in debt

Let's spend more

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>actual revolution
The people are too docile and uncooperative for that to ever happen. They'll just bitch on facebook and twitter and keep bending over. If there was ever going to be a revolution, it would have started as soon as the covid lockdowns began. Guillotines should have been sold out everywhere but the people just sat around getting fucked. It's over user. You better learn Mandarin because it's going to be mandatory in the coming years.

Sweden dosent have half the population being niggers and spics that suck up all the tax money
Sweden dosent have 400 million people

>X country does Z
Yeah, you dont have niggers in your country

Does the employer have to pay that or is that the government? Like how the fuck do they afford that?

USA is the richest country BECAUSE they don't waste funds on that stupid shit. Can't afford them? Don't breed them.

>Sweden dosent have half the population being niggers

sure about that?

>You realize this country is literally on the verge of an actual revolution full with regime change

Libtards don't use or want guns to fight against a corrupt government

>housing costs
Pic related

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Unironically something I'd expect a high school kid would say.

>be swede
>wake up every day in a country that sure isn't perfect
>but at least you're not american
I've met a few americans and most of them have always been a social and nice bunch, but fuck man, I'm glad I don't live where you do.

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Population 10,261,767 (July 2021 est.)
Ethnic groups Swedish 80.3%, Syrian 1.9%, Iraqi 1.4%, Finnish 1.4%, other 15% (2020 est.) note: data represent the population by country of birth; the indigenous Sami people are estimated to number between 20,000 and 40,000


Wait… so they close their borders and don’t take in people who aren’t working or are criminals?

Coz America is not a rich country. Is a poor country. This is the key.

>the richest country on earth

That's being fixed. House democrats are writing a bill to tax their billionaire donors as we speak.

How many Swedish businesses shut down because all their employees are off raising their kids?

Where is this going to happen?

Oh wait they don't even have open boarders? WTF?!?!? What kind of country doesn't take any dregs the Democrats can usher over the border?

Only 32% bro.

No, this is america

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Americans pay more