I need some advice. I am starting hrt in a week, mtf. Im not questioning wether or not im a tranny, i know i am...

I need some advice. I am starting hrt in a week, mtf. Im not questioning wether or not im a tranny, i know i am. Im questioning wether or not i should change my body. I just dont want to make to wrong decision and inevitably troon out in my 50s. Im 19 for context.

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Do not cut it off

Don’t start HRT and stop this “i know I’m a tranny” BS.
Accept your a man and move on with your life. If you want to pretend to play girl and dress up, go for it. Just don’t make the rest us play along in your fantasy.

You will get cancer and die in your mid thirties. Also trans is not real you need mental help not genital mutilation.

I do not plan on cutting off my dick

ask the doc if he can apply a thread to your cock so that you can decide when to have it and when not to

Trap Fetish or do you just not want the axe wound?

Do not want the axe wound, better to just keep what have than to have a gaping festering fucking wounds i have to dialate

Trannies don't exist, so how do you know you are something that doesn't exist?

Something like 98% of people experiencing gender dysphoria stop experiencing it by age 30, if they never have surgery or take hormones.
Hold off for now, if you still feel this way at 31, go nuts dude.

This might be bait but if it's not, take this advice;

It is all a big con. Do not mutilate yourself and seek therapy. You WILL regret cutting it off

The LGBTQ+ thread may be a far better choice than b. I mean seriously you will probably find better advice over there.Also to answer your question, the types of surgery has to be good.I have yet to see a good looking mangina seriously a huge crash in attractiveness I would assume I mean compared to a feminine vag and those are iffy too at best. It will never look like anything at that level. Keep your dick there are plenty of people on this thread that like dicks. And like some of my friends in the community say everyman they have slept with was straight... So I mean that is a thing. I prefer femenine Vag and all but I mean I know I am a selfish lover so I take what I can get. But all in all do not try to fit someone elses taste just be you if you want to cut your dick off go for it.

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I see your point, and i have wondered if my feelings will go away at some point

>I need some advice
Kill yourself now

It's there any study about this? Sounds genuinely interesting.

The most supportive man on B

Yes, the study was published an a pediatric medicine journal, can't remeber the name

HRT doesn’t really provide that many physical changes. the emotional changes are far more severe

>t.tranny on HRT for 10 years

This is the last place to ask for advice ill tell you that.

I appreciate your compliment, this seemed like a general adv/lgbtq+ question so I mean on the off chance this is legit I will give a legit answer.

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And then something like 30-45% of troops who have undergone surgery and/or hormones no longer feel "the wrong gender" by 30.
OP the average age human brains stop maturing is 25, with the average male brain being closer to 28.
Basically don't do anything permanent to your body before 30.
After 30 you will have a much better grasp in what you want long term.
If it's still to transition, then go for it.

Your body has already done a majority of the changes to bring you into manhood. no amount of HRT or bottom or top sugary will leave you as anything better than pic related. Understand the futility of trying to go against nature, or end up a depressed, unwanted, unfuckable, eyesore for everyone you come across. Society almost unanimously rejects the whole "tranny" thing. Seriously think about, to who else do you see such overwhelming "intolerance" directed towards in modern civilization? pedophiles? rapists? terrorists? The choice is yours. you may be unhappy as a man, but you'll be worse than miserable pretending at being a woman

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