
>the free market is the best way to run the economy and will solve many social problems.

Also Conservatives:
>gas prices are too high, the government is not doing enough to protect consumers.

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Bait thread

the free market 100% caused current energy prices
to deny this is literally just republican cope

Inb4 contards' mental gymnastics

Not a free market when the market is controlled.

spoiler: it's not controlled by the US president high school dropout

I don’t believe the US President high school dropout actually dropped out of high school, FYI

In a completely FREE market, gas prices would be much higher right now.

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It's not a free market when the government controls: production, refinement, distribution, storage and sale of the product

>Government steps in and completely shuts down major oil pipeline designed specifically to lower energy costs
>energy costs skyrocket

>Government steps in and completely shuts down major oil pipeline designed specifically to lower energy costs
Tell us you're completely ignorant without telling us you're completely ignorant

There is no such thing as a true free market. Your whole opener to this b8 thread is just as pathetic as anyone trying to argue about your pathetic statement.

A retarded leftist cuck typed this.

But he’s right. Now you look like the retard.

Let's ignore all the dumbshit regulation the democrats put in and the fact that the "free market" has been drastically manipulated by the government for the past 2 years.
For the record, it was the republicans who wanted freedom of choice. The democrats chose protections over your freedoms. Now we're seeing the consequences of those actions.
Congrats, the democrats chose lives over the economy. You made your bed now sleep in it. Own this shit because it was shitty Covid policy designed to saved lives that caused this shitstorm.

The free market is weaponized, like most everything is now.

He's factually unequivocally wrong because the Keystone pipeline would not have affected gas prices for years. You could easily google that but you prefer to be a lelel I did that sticker facebook resurcher

After scrolling through Any Forums looking for something interesting or of value to piss people off arguing about and I land in this assonine thread, the only thoughts left in my mind is going to /s/ having a wank in the shower and going back to bed. Thanks for the reminder of liberalism is a mental disorder, and supporting the left should get you institutionalized for the rest of your life.

Are you saying that because of government interference we are going to be royally fucked for decades instead of just a few years then because of their interference in the free market?

>are you saying that I was wrong
>and am dumb?
yes, very much so

They will project their prices off of any modifier added to policy. And those policies were all an outright attack on energy in the US, which translated globally.

Isn't the Government already fucking around by allowing them to use land they don't own.
Also even if the Keystone was important it isn't 2.00 a gallon important.

So what you are saying it the United States should go to war with the middle east and use military contracts to "claim" oilwells in the middle east.
Why do republicans always think Fallout is the best case Scenario

Milton Friedman (a Republican) is the best known advocate of "free markets". Every Republican president in the last 40 years has promoted the "free markets".

So you are saying conservative economists and presidents have been promoting a hoax?

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>the "free market" has been drastically manipulated by the government for the past 2 years.

Ummm......for the past 150 years, thru governments liberal and conservative

>this assonine thread

Spell much? Who is assonine now?

Democrat and neocon. We've never had a true conservative in our lifetimes. Or a true liberal for that matter. Pretty much all are owned by the 1% at this point.

We're talking about the policies implemented in the past few years to deal with an unplanned pandemic that have completely destroyed the economy. There's nothing wrong with simple regulation here and there. But to flip the free market on it's head by force then whine that the free market is causing these drastic price hikes is asinine and retarded. What's going on right now is because of shit policy, plain and simple.