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Space isn't made of water and planets aren't little pockets of space, retard. That's would be neat

NASA is a lie, humanity has never reached space

anybody can go to space now, you just don't have enough money.

This pic only makes me wish I was an engineer

That's what they want you to think

Ah. the flerfers, who have to make up absurdly implausible claims, and deny more than half a century of technology exists.

its a bit like someone in 1950 saying that aeroplanes dont exist.

Attached: morons.gif (498x200, 1.77M)

You can prove the existence of billion dollar private space companies, retard. Are you saying they exist solely as a cover for such a worldwide conspiracy?

Take the blindfold off your eyes. They just want to make you think that we have more knowledge than we actually have.

>Are you saying they exist solely as a cover for such a worldwide conspiracy?
Yes. Now you start to understand the lies that they tell us

That would be some class based Truman Show shit, yo.

prove it

Wake Up

what is this supposed to imply?

and what exactly to "they" benefit from this?

how many people have to be "in" on the conspiracy to work?

lets start a list: Geologists - anyone who's used seismology
Cartographers: anyone who's measured mapping by trig points, anyone who uses GPS in any form.
Satellite telecoms engineers installing dishes that wouldnt receive signals.
Aircraft companies - any airliner flying in the southern hemisphere would have to add thousands of miles range.
Aircraft pilots and crew, who would see they're not flying Great Circle routes.
Shipping companies whose schedules would be vastly different due to the difference of maps.
Apace industry engineers in mission control centres around the world
Ham Radio operators who know how VHF and UHF frequencies bounce over the horizon differently.
Engineers building mega-structures like bridges which compensate for curvature.

Do you really think those millions of people are all "in" on a conspiracy, and not one of them comes out to tell people they've been paid off?

>They just want to make you think that we have more knowledge than we actually have.
Who, NASA or the flat earthers?
Neither would really surprise me.

>Do you really think those millions of people are all "in" on a conspiracy, and not one of them comes out to tell people they've been paid off?
They would get censored and killed off

>They would get censored and killed off
Got examples of that happening?

Ah. so aside from the mass killings, all those millions of people are all "in" on the conspiracy.

Good to know.

Do you know the FBI lists that conspiracies with over about 8 people are virtually guaranteed to collapse, because someone talks. Yet apparently, millions are in on this one, and none of them talk, and there's no suspicious mass deaths of geolists, airline pilots, etc etc...

Its almost as if this entire "conspiracy" was something you made up to make yourself feel better.

>FBI says
They let NASA do whatever they want. You're a 'walking dead'... you'll make your own research if you want to know the truth

Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed. We should probably not learn if we can.

user, just because the idea of knowing something everybody else doesn't, doesn't mean that thing you know is actually true.
If the earth was flat there would be no hiding it, just like there is no way of hiding that the earth is actually round.

>They let NASA do whatever they want.

I see reading comprehension isnt your strong point. Let me explain again.

ANY conspiracy. "lets kill the president!" "Lets make a ponzi scheme selling shitty bored ape NTF tokens" "lets murder Fat Bob" tends to collapse if there are more than 8 people involved. One or more people talk, be it to their spouse, be it to another investor, etc, and the conspiracy gets outed. Almost every single time.
For the "flat earth" conspiracy, its not 8. its not 80. or 800. or 8000, or 80,000, or 800,000 people. It is millions of people who would have to be in on it. And yet none of them have ever come out. According to your feverish imagination, "They would get censored and killed off" by some sort of prescient shadowy agency who magically know that they're about to speak out to the newspapers, the press, on the internet, to police, government, etc.
And you think this conspiracy could remain viable?

More importantly, you think this conspiracy could remain viable for how long?

we've known the earth was round for 2,500 years. When did the "conspiracy" begin. Was "the government" behind it in 450BC when Eratosthenes of Cyrene did his calculations? Was the "government" of the Vikings in on it, telling the ship's navigators to fake their data? Was Columbus, or Magellan in on it? and so on. This conspiracy would've required not just the millions today, but tens of millions, on thousands of ships through the age of sail, to keep it silent.

IF the earth was flat, then the conspiracy to keep it silent would be more of a miracle than the entire planet being a different shape to that which every single scientific endeavour of the last millennia has proven it to be.

Imagine thinking space was real.

What's out there if it isn't space?


fucking retard, imagining the planet is real.

Who made the bread?

Imagine thinking real was real

Your mom. And I do her btw

You're so inventive user, I haven't faced that insult thousands of times before at all.

The planet is a social construct.