How times have changed

How times have changed...

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some user will post in here saying that he actually didn't do anything and they are way smarter than him

Also look how the npcs treat him, is this a sign that Terry davis will get his recognition?

Attached: Screenshot_20220802_171141_com.reddit.frontpage.jpg (1080x2340, 620.76K)

>if npcs and laypersons say it, it must be true

turing's contributions were always overstated and took credit from many other men and women. the polish provided the allies with everything, since the polish were the first people to be able to crack enigma. they were able to crack enigma for around 7 years BEFORE the allies could. i would bet my house that none of these AIDS infected homosexuals could tell you the names of the first people that actually cracked enigma, and if they do pull out a name from their AIDS infected and thrashed out assholes, it won't be polish.

He fucking died before his contributions were realised lmfao. Why does Reddit always have half-baked takes on fucking everything?

I guarantee these people don't know who Tommy Flowers is.

what if turing fucked kids? would it have been unacceptable to redditors?

I don't understand the purpose of the tweet, the reddit post, or this thread.

is turing overhyped because they desperately want a gay hero?

He's an important figure but there are several of the same era that never get talked about

>what if turing fucked kids?
a picture of him would replace the reddit logo.

>is turing overhyped because they desperately want a gay hero?
it's always been this way.

Canadian businessman William Stevenson made frequent business trips to Berlin before the war. He arranged a personal meeting with Churchill to alert him about his suspicion that the Nazis were building a code machine based on his patent for a single rotor code machine.
Yes, a basic enigma machine existed before the nazis came along, and was in common use to counter industrial espionage.
So the British had a pretty good idea of how the machine itself worked, it was just the vast number of possible settings, that were changed daily, that made it still hard to crack.
Stevenson also funded, out of his own pocket, Camp X in southern Ontario, which was a training ground for British, Canadian, and American commandos.
Churchill eventually made him the chief of British intelligence for the entire western hemisphere.

Lmao I love these threads. I learn so much in regards to history that I wouldn't have thought of before.
Always thought lovelace was the first programmer, always thought turner was the first person to figure out and break such codes.
Not to dismiss their accomplishments, but it is disheartening to see history treat their acheivments as more than what they were.

If I was either turner or lovelace I would be rolling in my grave, knowing my story was blown out of proportion and those who I worked closely with were dismissed due to not being the token minority.

Poland was not pleased lmao

least butthurt polack

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The Germans stole the Enigma Machine.
TJ invented it.

Attached: TJ.jpg (1200x631, 104.82K)

Because they are dumb faggot cock sucking retards

>knowing my story was blown out of proportion and those who I worked closely with were dismissed due to not being the token minority.
happens quite a lot. when you only get your history from one source or viewpoint then you can be led to believe any old bullshit. revisionist history is literally disgusting.
not a pole, just someone that isn't a dysfunctional and poorly educated NIGGER. i'm sorry that your favourite homosexual is an over rated faggot. cope.

>I guarantee these people don't know who Tommy Flowers is.
absolutely not. dangerously based and intelligent man that turing relied on.

if green text on a psuedo anonymous FBI monitored kazakhstani cartoon imageboard say it, it must be true.

Terry said the N word
to reddit, he is Hitler and Columbus combined