Why is Soul Food the most delicious quisine on earth?

Why is Soul Food the most delicious quisine on earth?

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Peppered with nigga sweat.

What kind of dumb nigger thinks that gas cooked food is the best

Salt and fat mostly

Why do they call it soul food? It's just shitty ingredients made into a shitty meal

if you're going to use big words, learn to fucking spell them first

gas is best for cooking since you can regulate temperature faster and easier, you should try it

Because it's got soul

Because it's actually cooked. Most white people eat shit like ramen softened in cold water or hot dogs straight from the can.


>>or hot dogs straight from the can

Nigger or bot? Which one is it?

> Google: "tell this nigger what soul food is"
"The term may have first been used in 1962 by civil rights activist and poet Amiri Baraka. Sylvia Woods opened her now-famous Harlem restaurant Sylvia's in that same year; today, Woods is known by many as “the queen of Soul Food.”"
> shitty ingredients
The tradition came from the slave times when shitty scraps were literally all they had to eat. Thing is, it's fucking delicious and (a small part of) why the South, including whites like myself, are fat as fuck.

Stupid faggot take

Becuz wypipo dun season dey fewd

Soul food takes its origins mostly from Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama, a collection of states commonly referred to as the Deep South. During the Transatlantic SLAVE Trade, enslaved African people were given MEAGER food rations that were LOW in quality and nutritional value.
Enjoy eating shit!

You mean white folk soul food like cornbread and BBQ ribs or … ??? Cause chitlins and hog maws are what I think of when I hear that term and I legit cannot understand why anyone eats that fucking slop. Y’all aren’t slaves anymore!

Soul food's fucking great but its range on the flavor spectrum is pretty minimal. Also collared greens fucking suck, there's a million better greens out there you could cook in the same manner, that don't taste like spinach & bile.

>collared greens
Look like what I clean from the underside of my lawn mower.
Also checked.

Get better taste and with the times, beaner.

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butter. /thread

fats are delicious - our society is fucked because we don't have the physical activity to match our love of fats.

Because people of African American heritage continue to be economically and politically suppressed by institutionally racist government and companies in america.

African Americans have gone from being physical slavery to debt slavery in modern society.

Soul food is white supremacy when eaten by blacks, and cultural appropriation when eaten by whites.

Because it's got soul duh

Yes, your soul is my food.

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Is not. It tastes like someone rubbed their balls in cat piss and spat in your face
NIGGERS make horrible sick vile shit

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