Aboriginal Australians

>Aboriginal Australians
>Oldest known civilization
>Contributed absolutely 0 to society
How does this happen ?

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They invented the didgeridoo.

Attached: abo.jpg (474x316, 24.81K)

nigger skin

>How does this happen ?

Attached: 1642596710591.gif (603x674, 14.64K)

You mean a hollow stick?
You don't invent a hollow stock
You just pick it up

Why is this a gif? You monster!

Try it sometime. Try to make music with one.


Attached: hipster_quer.jpg (600x800, 83.36K)

Everything different is foreign to me and therefore hipster.

I would rather try heroin or circumcision

Because playing the didgeridoo takes a whole lot of skill and practice. Not that I'd know I cant play one, but I know enough about it. Its not a kazoo.


they were separate from the rest of the world for like 40000 years and didn't figure out alcohol or irrigation on their own
then the english show up and it's like "yo these guys are retarded", so instead of enslaving them they just killed a few and tried to breed the rest into homo sapiens

unpopular opinion: the stolen generation was the best thing to ever happen to abos and THEYRE STILL COMPLAINING ABOUT IT the cunts

>But they can blow into a pipe real good
Are you serious?

Fuckin'-A. Even a chimp can blow into a hollow log. lol

10/10 Would plow.

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Read about the Olmecs.....
We are a species living with amnesia,


Attached: 948px-Olmec_Head_No._1_at_Xalapa,_Veracruz,_Mexico.jpg (948x899, 450.65K)

Okay your average Graham Handcock watcher

Mexicans aren't people. You might as well say fungi is the oldest person in existence.

tell me this -> doesn't look like this -> Aboriginal Australiens are the decendents of the Olmecs, a civilization that roze to it's height and then fell sometime over 5000 years ago.

cunt have you ever been killed by a bunyip or yowie? I'd say keeping that from happening is pretty fucken useful to society

Would you want to contribute to the shitfest that is the world? They were wise to sit out.

Can you spare me 20 dollars for the bus brudda?
