She killed my cats

She killed my cats.

We were in lockdown in different states because of the pandemic. I went to visit as a surprise, and they were gone.
She said she didn't want to be responsible for them, so she took them to the vet and had them put to sleep.

Never said a word about it. Never said she couldn't watch them any more. Never gave me the opportunity to pick them up.

God, I feel so empty.

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who? your mom?

If you had any balls you would beat the fuck out of her.

> didn't want to be responsible for 2 quiet, calm, self-cleaning, self-entertaining small animals
What a catch

sorta girlfriend. things cooled a bit, but i thought we could hook up again eventually.

Put her to sleep.

Get someone to stand outside at night and say "meow, why did you do it? Meow meow"

I have to go to put my cat down tomorrow because of kidney failure, she's 17.
People who put down healthy animals simply because they are "inconvenient" deserve a fate worse than death.
Get justice for your cats user.

stop being a girl about it, you left the cats with her because you wanted an excuse to see her and possibly hook up with her, so you used them as bait but she got the upper hand and eliminated them, she has more balls than you, no wonder she doesn’t want to fuck you

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omg stfu with your schizo bullshit and take your meds. i see you in every thread and it's sickening.

nope. she had the space, and i gave her money to feed them.

I had to finish my classes, so I was in an apartment near my college. her doctor said she was immunocompromised, so she stayed put..

it's a bot.

Were pic related your cats?
My cat died too and it fucking sucks. Must be even harder if they were murdered in cold blood.


>quiet, calm
you don’t know how quiet or calm they were
cats saliva is full of bacteria retard. if you don’t bathe your cat you’re a gross dumb nigger and your cat probably smells like a dumb little nigger too.
>self entertaining
cats entertain themselves by knocking your shit over

Are you just defending a heartless cunt? Kys. Killing animals doesn’t mean you have balls, just a literal psychopath

What a dumbass. Cats are clean animals. Just say you hate cats because you have no sense of humour

that sucks
there are lots of kitties waiting
to be adopted

Any house cat would immediately kill and eat their owner if they were truly confident in their ability to pull such a kill off. You’re sitting here defending cats, the niggers of house animals. They are literally soulless. Lol @ you.

Don’t be shy OP, drop her info

Do literally 2 seconds of research on why you cat licking itself all over with it’s borderline disease ridden saliva is not self cleaning. literally just google this shit you monkey.

Nope they wouldn’t, you assuming things and pulling out facts out of your pimply ass is hilarious though, keep being mad over cats lmao what a fag. Not a coincidence that everyone who hates cats is boring af

Go get 2 more, fuckface, they're everywhere

Source: trust me bro
Also time for you to move out and stop living in your moms basement loser

You are a stronger man then me OP. I'm fragile enough mentally where I would kill someone if they killed my pets

You are making fun of me yet you literally cannot enter a phrase into a google search bar you ape. Do you have any idea what this looks like? Do you have any idea what a fool you are making of yourself? “Source trust me bro” no my source is the top result on any child could arrive at. This is chaos. You are an ape. Do not tell me to “leave my basement” when you’re the one who left our common ancestor.

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