I own an AR-15 and a few hunting rifles as well as a pistol and i am going to have them smelted- i think we should all...

i own an AR-15 and a few hunting rifles as well as a pistol and i am going to have them smelted- i think we should all turn in our guns Any Forumsros.. just bring them to your local law enforcement and they'll find a way to properly dispose of them so they don't end up in criminals hands or be used to hurt kids..

time for the violence to stop Any Forumsros, who's with me? :)

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The police are criminals too dumbfuck

they are literally just cops bro.. stop being paranoid..

kill faggots

I would turn in my guns but I just lost them all last week in a tragic boating accident.

john F Kennedy was assassinated by fucking headshot from a bolt action rifle

dude come on im being serious.. how many guns do you own?

all guns need to be turned in and smelted bro im telling you.. its the new trend

Technically none since I just lost them all in a boating accident. Damn shame too

if the fucking REPUCLIANS would just give up there god awful baby killing assault rifles, then the police wouldn't have to worry about criminals having more firepower than our military does!

Have your penis smelted to prevent rape while you're at it.

I'm with you bro. I like shooting my old Colt AR-15 police rifle but it's not worth it. We need to ban guns. I'm going to destroy this rifle. No more dead kids. No one needs a weapon of war. The deer aren't wearing kevlar vests. No one needs to hunt or sport shoot with these fully-automatic 30 round clip weapons that can fire 30 clips in half a second.

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Eat a dick nigger lover

Criminals will still be able to obtain guns
Guns can be manufactured by one person with use of lathe and milling machine
check gunsmithing thread in /k/

You've probably never served. I have. I saw what happened to the human body when our M-16s hit a person. Have you seen what a fully-loaded assault clip does with it hits a person? They are obliterated. It's fuckin cool. But also uncool when it happens to kids so we need to ban these assault-style clipazine weapons like the AR-47. It's time.

Ya see, we gonna tie em to cement blocks and drop em at da bottom of the ocean.

LoL @ gun control.


listen, common sense gun control is overdue. Yes, no one needs a fully automatic assault penis. Are you raping deer with your assault cock? No, you aren't. A bolt action cock is plenty for deer.

I disagree. And anyways your so called gun control bill is already dead in the water and wont pass the US Senate.

don't get too cocky. We will snatch your guns from your cold, dead, incel hands. Your 300 round clips will be melted down. Your high caliber 9mm bullets that can tare a man in half will be burned and destroyed. Noone needs a gun.

Not necessarily. The senate is going to negotiate it.

You need to read up on the Dullith model then. Cops are fundamentally bad. They do not stand for justice. Most will 100% tread on your constitutional rights given the chance. There is no such thing as a "good" cop in a corrupt system.


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You’ve never owned or even held a real gun in your life, faggot. Nobody believes your bullshit.

Oooh, I get to repost this already!

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>tare a man in half

Why do you trust the government?
Did you miss 2016-2020?

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