Hanging out at friends house

>hanging out at friends house
>need to take a shit
>go to bathroom, see this
Wat do?

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its a squatty potty you dimwit

you realize thats how ur supposed to actually take a shit right? by bending your knees. youre not supposed to shit with your feet on the floor, this is common knowledge.

Ahem, faggots...


Try not to shit all over it you mong.

I have heard of them but never actually used them. I wonder if they work

It’s a Catholic kneeling bench. Kneel, and pray to the porcelain god.

Ehts the Squatty Potty! (Anthony Sullivan starts taking shit)

I squat and allow the shit to glide out of me with barely a push

Do pic related

Attached: Image-2-12-20-at-10.00-AM.jpg (768x768, 103.76K)

A mechanic chaining newports bleeding my Brembo calipers once told me if toilet were about 8 inches shorter we would barely need toilet paper. This basically does the same for bowel alignment. Use a water pick anyway

I literally sit on the terlet and my shit comes out every day
I'm 30

If you go everyday it never blocks up from reabsorption of water

The Slav Squat 5000. Trains you to be a Slav and taking descent sized foot longers

if the toilet was 8 inches lower it would be a lot harder to stand back up.


oh they work

Old people shit themselves all the time. Your spine would be in better alignment long term anyway. Thus making standing easier later in life

this is a step to make taking an upper decker easier.
hes a mad lad for not getting the folding version


>If you go everyday
who the fuck doesn't?

Just move it aside. It's for people with short legs.

A regular toilet(not ADA) is 15 inches from floor. Getting up from a squat 7 inches from the floor would be marginally difficult for the majority of people.

i average every two days

I take a shit. Are you retarded OP? Do you need help with the concept of shitting? It's okay if you do, we just need to know.

Shit on it