Why do GUI haters always badly reinvent GUI in the terminal?

Why do GUI haters always badly reinvent GUI in the terminal?

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no feedback for worthless OPs

terry wasn't a "gui hater." templeos's ui is a synthesis of tui and gui

no feedback for worthless commenters

There is no GUI haters, they just want a simple, fast and effective way to do the things, why the fuck I need to wait

Attached: Neko_Family_.gif (265x265, 97.68K)

>GUI haters
the absolute state of this board

>There is no GUI haters
Yes there are
There are people who hate GUIs because they think using a terminal makes them elite
It's ridiculous

Okay, go complain to them, not all of Any Forums

They're on Any Forums

>2/3 are clear cut examples of GUI
dumb nigger


Be careful, there could be one in this thread

They don't actually exist outside of your head nigger.

Mongoloids here think everyone is a code monkey whose while life is writing craptons of low quality code.
Their brains melted by hrt cannot conceive the fact that careers other than programming use PCs to work.
3D modeling, video editing, FX, 2d animation, drawing, graphic design, CAD, architecture, etc, etc, etc. Careers that are mouse centric and would be absolute hell in a keyboard-centric driven environment.
>inb4 keyboard shortcuts are also used in those
Yes, with your off hand, while you do the actual work with your main hand with a mouse/trackball/trackpad/tablet

we have to use terminal GUI because because gui frameworks on linux are fucked up
gtk is fucked up because gnome people "users are idiots lets fuck them up" and qt is nice until you realize that only thing that uses it is kde software, maybe because qt was proprietary in one time frame. then there is also fltk and others but nobody uses those.
tl;dr: linux gui frameworks are shit

lol. all of those would be WAY superior with a domain specific scripting language.


retarded rambling nothing more

most of them do utilize a scripting engine. Having comfort is not mutually exclusive to having a framework to automate your workflow. Even then the entirety of Windows UI can be automated thanks to decades old and stable Win32 API. Fucking moron

Posting sans bump in a GPT bot thread.

That's for gui refugees. Top is literally a table, moron.