Millennials.... how did things go sooo wrong?

millennials.... how did things go sooo wrong?

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OP was a Fag. It was OP all along.

I'd rather marry a fleshlight with a voice to speech module

whats wrong with the happy couple? u mad?

i'm too lazy, stupid, and busy destroying the economy and the american way of life to have a relationship.
checkmate boomers and zoomers

cant make this shit up

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The generation before we existed implemented globalist policies such as NAFTA. Result; destruction of the middle class.

Nothing. It's just strange to see them freaks for free, that's all.

Nothing changed, these people have always existed. They're just more out in the open now.

Zoomers flossing on you with our emo girlfriends.

it sucks because we got to grow up at the tail end of the golden. we got a taste of it, but have had to live through it all being ripped away piece by piece.

He's mad about the fake female Shrek and Rumpelstiltskin couple holy shit.


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Yes i was born in the 80s; grew up in the 90s. When I was a kid I saw us have to downgrade our lifestyle in real time. We are the first generation to do worse than the previous in a very long time. And it's due to those globalist policies that were put into place before we even existed. They pretty much stole our future opportunities to fund their lifestyle at the time.

isn't this retard popular and rich?

No he's hated and poor

Even though that guy was annoying... that would be a sweet job to have. Easy and good money. I know he fucked it up somehow but I don't remember... Something with drugs?

>globalist policies
Like what?

They were told that there was nothing wrong with them and that there was no need to improve themselves. Here we are.

I think dell fired him because he smoked weed.

Everybody listened when faggots claimed it wasn't a slippery slope.

Yeah that was it. Lol. To be honest I think the policies over weed are far too strict. I don't partake in the drug myself but I think it's a joke when people wind up in real trouble over weed. There are so many worse things the government could focus on. It really is a joke. I don't care who smokes weed and who doesn't just as long as they don't drive while baked outta their mind. That's all I care about.

90% of the couples OP knows look like that you mean...