Does anybody have any wild plans for the night

does anybody have any wild plans for the night

Attached: hank.png (320x295, 158.21K)

nothing but drinking and playing vidya

Not plans exactly, and not for tonight, but


Based same here. What you playing user

currently TF2, might play BO3 or BO2 later

Once again based as fuck user

thanks user, wanna play together?
drop your discord

Not really wild, but I was gonna microdose on some of my grateful dead bear acid.

I might write some Ansible automation. I gotta chill on drinking, I need to let my pancreas heal for a while

Don't have a PC sadly, console fag here

Ansible automation? What is that?

You can have Discord and play on a console, queer.


“Hack” into the reality level above us and give our overseers a hug and say i love them

i got up at 530, went for a walk, then stood at a machine for 8 hours, then came home and went for another walk and skipped dinner, so i'm all set.

Might fuck around and go to bed 30 mins early so I can get a full 8 hours of sleep. Been fatigued this week.

Attached: Roh-Tae-Woo again.jpg (1080x1310, 253.06K)

You retarded bud? TF2 is only active on PC

Get home from work
Cum in wife's pussy
Play vidya

Forgive me your majesty, but he mentioned playing BO2 or BO3 later on. Go shave your neckbeard.

Browsing b instead of dtudying like I should

Nice checked also