Just fucked my wife AMA

Just fucked my wife AMA

Pic unrelated but its almost exactly what she looks like from behind.

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Did you guys listen to tunes?

no but we put on a sound machine outside the bedroom door so kids cant hear.

So a quickie?

legit one of the hottest asses i've ever seen. moar

pretty much mostly quickies these days. except the days i work from home and we have time alone.

reddit user SouthernBooty4u

Do all middle aged white women have irange skin like that?

Are you even able to truly enjoy it?

no. post more here


ha. just in florida. thats just bad tan lines. my wife doesnt have tan lines like that.


hell yeah. whats not to enjoy?

we have pretty amazing sexual chemistry. shes knows exactly how to get me off, its honestly pretty amazing every time. really passionate and intense. cum buckets every time.

Marriage seems not worth it to me. Would rather jerk off and keep my money

>really passionate and intense.
Alot of single guys don't understand this. There's no pressure to perform.

What's some of the wildest stuff you've done together?

She shat on my face, my kid walked in and I told them it was just chocolate. He asked to try some

Homie what

When you say wife, you mean doll right?

I told my kid it was chocolate with almonds, which he’s not a fan of