Why does she make trannies seethe so much?

Why does she make trannies seethe so much?

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Breed that bussy


I see we are sharing the same wavelengths

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he looks better than them and doesn't have their degree of irreparable hormone treatment/surgery

It’s a he and he makes that clear, just cross dressing

he doesn't though
they like him because he blurs the lines of gender presentation and that kind of shit

Nah, they seethe about him because he looks better than them.

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have trannies told you this? or are you just making shit up based on what you imagine they want? I'm telling you, they don't seethe about him. they do wish he were one of them but most of them have accepted that he isn't, and are just happy he's normalizing cross dressing.


I'd nut in "her" mouth

Look on Any Forums, they’re accusing him of being a pedo

huh, must be a recent thing he did or that happened. in any case, that's not seething because he looks better than them. before whatever this incident is about (again idk what the recent drama is) they did generally like him.

People will accuse anyone with a strange sexual fetish of having another one. They just go hand in hand.

I'd suck on those tits

They look real but the arm width to breast ratio is off

I don't even know who he is. Nor what are you talking about.