Have you ever pissed your pants in fear or seen someone else do it?

have you ever pissed your pants in fear or seen someone else do it?

Attached: the-dead-ones.jpg (1024x576, 50.9K)


no, but ive pissed my wife's boyfriend's pants


Honestly, this is the exact opposite. It's a completely alien concept to me.

I cannot piss if I'm nervous. It haunted me in school, because I wasn't comfortable enough to piss if someone else was watching me.

I'm over it now, mostly. But still, if I'm not comfortable, I can't go.


chances are you have never been terrified or within an inch of your life then. have a brown bear charge you and check underpants after. and also post pics plz

ive done it.

tell me about it

I've shit myself when I've run from dude with knife that want to stab me

Well I've done it loads of times medically.
>epileptics void their bladders during a seizure
But in fear?
Someone tried to kill me and it was the most terrifying experience I've ever had, and no I won't tell the story here. Sufficed to say, its the definition of involuntary. You literally cannot control it no matter how hard you try, or how hard you tell your body to obey. It can't be controlled. It just happens.

did you know it was happening at the time?

Yea. I worked at 6 flags Halloween frightfest and we had people pissing left and right. Part of the job I suppose.

Well yeah I mean...you have that "why does it smell like piss?" and "why am I wet?" moment at the same time.

You don't happen to have video of that scene? Asking for a friend.


The man got dubs, now answer him damnit

What’s this pic from?

American School Simulator

She looks so cute like that, I want to give her a hug :3
And no, I haven't. When I was 13-14 I supposedly pissed myself while blackout drunk. I remember puking but I don't remember pissing.

Read the file name.

One time. Years ago I worked at a car dealer and a new sales guy let a customer leave the showroom and the finance manager jumped his shit. Manager was a huge asshole anyway but the sales guy wasn't really aware of how short his fuse was. He was startled and passed himself a little. I noticed but I think I was the only one. I kept it to myself. Sales guy quit a few days later. About a month later the same manager started in on me because I moved the wrong car. Same color, same make, model and trim level, wrong stock number. I just said 'cool' and dropped the keys on the floor and left.