This is the introduction to the Unabombers manifesto originally published by the Washington Post in 1995...

This is the introduction to the Unabombers manifesto originally published by the Washington Post in 1995. Ted is revered online by some who believe what he wrote about society was true, although some academics also agree, most dedications to Ted online have been censored especially on Reddit.

I believe you can at the same time be against the terrorism of the Unabomber but still agree with his ideology. This is when I decided to make a shrine for the Unabomber for open studios.

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I have read it completely. I also have some of his important points saved.
How do you interpret his manifesto, OP? What is Ted's envisioned utopia?

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>I also have some of his important points saved
I ask you to share your document, please and thank you.

What document faggot

Nigger, the document with saved points. Or did you write points down on paper?

holy fuck he writes like a retard

Its a collection of pics of several of the points he made not some sequential summary to his manifesto.

This thread is off to a great start kek

This isn't new stuff OP. Throughout all of history people have warned against all technologies as we have moved away from nature.

It is part of our nature as humans or our consciousness to merge with technology. We have been doing this since the wheel or even a sharp stick. Those are extensions of our mind in physical manifestation. We are possibly drawing closer to a new era of tech with ai and merging our minds with it. But that is part of our goal.

It's a conflict of our nature and consciousness. Our nature can be bound by Earth and live in harmony with the rest of animals, plants, forests, oceans, etc. We are physically made from the Earth. But our consciousness is a different type of life and seeks new horizons through technology and the creation of technology. Eventually the two will merge

As the tech gets more advanced so will the movements against it because of the inner conflict. Ted was a more advanced movement against it. But it's nothing new. People have screamed against tech forever. Is either side right? Who knows. Price of progress, only time will tell, etc

Post it anyway, I'd like to see it if you don't mind.

Ok. He's got a point, but Ted is naive and shortsighted for someone with his education, but I guess he was into math not natural history.

Here's the thing, and I'm gonna start putting it out there: it's not industrial society, it's humanity as a species. Hear me out.
We are living through the Holocene mass extinction event. But this did not start with industrial society. It started with the extinction of mega fauna as soon as we spread out. We seek out adult members of apex predator species and disrupt food chains. As a species, from our start, we have been predators and now global super predators, we have caused extinctions on every land mass and in every ocean, where ever we go.
We have NEVER been in harmony with nature. It's fallacy to think otherwise, as a species we have always had a detrimental effect on the ecology around us, whenever we move to a new place, whenever we set out to do anything which requires any material derived from the planet.
We might be an evolutionary dead end. Or we might shape this planet and others to our will.

Based dubdubs of truth


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get fucked you horrible cunt. You don’t tell me what to do.

He talks like a fag and his shit’s all retarded

I don't tell you what to do, you fucking retard, I just asked to post your shit but alas.

>This isn't new stuff OP. Throughout all of history people have warned against all technologies as we have moved away from nature.
We seek to replace nature, with our own order.
>It's a conflict of our nature and consciousness. Our nature can be bound by Earth and live in harmony with the rest of animals, plants, forests, oceans, etc.
Our nature is to displace and predate. We've done it since we came about.
>Eventually the two will merge
No, either humans die out, or nature/planet is changed to our whim. Humans cannot do anything else, we do not want to and it is too late.
>Price of progress, only time will tell, etc
No, it is humankind's inherent nature.


That wasn't me kek but I do feel the same way.

oh look another badly-written ‘manifesto’

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No you shut up.

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It's edgy stuff for kids and despite want you may think it has aged badly.

Pic related is Kaczynski for adults

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I'm talking about human nature without consciousnesses. As if we were animals. There is a conflict of interest or a guilt between the two. Our mind or consciousnesses is different type of life than from our natural body.

Our nature, as in our animal body, can live in balance with the rest of nature. Our minds cannot. Replacing or reordering is what it does, yes that is correct. Our minds or consciousness also seek higher power because of the conflict of guilt between it and our natural body, and the emptiness it knows. It is pushing us towards a goal of creating a higher power or becoming one and the only way it can is through the merging of our body and mind and technology. It's just a matter of time. Nothing about what we have been doing for thousands of years is new. Our technology and ability to create it has become exponentially more advanced

This idea that man's nature is to beat the world into submission is a Western attitude. Eastern views of human nature are much more compatible with the natural world.


No, it can't. Never has, see Our species does not, has not, will not live "in balance with the rest of nature". Since homo sapient came to be, the species has caused mass extinction. Before industrial society began we eliminated countless species. Just with agriculture. Just by moving to a new place. See that tribe? They killed entire species when they arrived there, the "balance" you see is the order they imposed limited by their capacity and tempered by their ambition.

> They killed entire species when they arrived there
Going to need some sources for that kiddo

Kaczynski for patricians is Francis E. Dec

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I'm not talking about views.

This is natural history. Before "eastern" or "western" views or cultures, while humans were in Africa, they were moving about, causing irreparable harm to ecosystems, taking entire species out. This isn't opinion.

Woah don’t go all schizo and shoot up a Walmart faggot

Technology takes more than it gives. It has made life unfulfilling and purposeless, like you can see around you. The more advance we become the more alienated we get. Its simply a bad trade. OP is a faggot who has probably not even read Ted's manifesto.

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Read what I am saying. I agree with you as a whole that our species does not live in balance with nature.

Again, think of the two life forms, consciousness and nature. Body...Mind...

Two different things. You might be conscious of your body but you are not conscious of your mind, or conscious of your consciousness

If Teddy boy was born in 1985 do you think he would have posted on Any Forums?


It's literally what has happened EVERY TIME.
I can't even source ya, it's just how it is, Google the holocene extinction, we are it by doing that and many other things.

>no sources
information disregarded

Read what I am typing.

It is not in humankind's nature to be harmonious with the ecology around it. Can't go back to where we never were.

>Source: dude trust me