I have several gay cousins in their 30's and early 40's and it has taken me years to finally realize something...

I have several gay cousins in their 30's and early 40's and it has taken me years to finally realize something. I had to go back and double check the data, but it all lines up. Now for gay people this might be common knowledge on a "well duh" level. Anyway, none of my gay relatives have ever been in longer than 2 year relationships, especially my three lesbian cousins. I usually chalked it up to the infamous "lesbian bed death" theory. The thrill of a new pair of tits or lips or pussy wears off for them pretty quick, and then you're left fucking each other with plastic or motorized toys. You may be wearing or in control of the object but the pleasure is coming from said object and the holder/user is easily replaceable.

Anyway all of my gay relatives recently broke up with their partners last month. Then a thought hit me when they were all hyping themselves up online because pride month was coming. These bitches and faggots always seem to break up with whoever their with at the end of April or May. I went back to their old facebook and instagram posts. No matter how long they were with the person, all of them wait till pride is around the corner to cause drama and break up. Then without fail they go out and fuck as many people as possible in June, end up with a new "partner" and the cycle repeats a year to two later down the road.
Those degenerate faggots!

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interesting observation

This degenerate is so happy to reveal his sexcapades deep inside the bowels of an hiv+/monkeypox homo rape dungeon...
>imagine the smell!

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you are onto something

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degenerate drama queens... as if they could act any other way

How can a person walk around and be "prideful" about getting fucked in the ass by random shitty dicks. And then you suck that shitty dick, that they maybe wiped with just a wet wad of toiletpaper. I also have another theory about the diaper wearing fetish. I think that was started by gay dudes whose asses were so blasted they had to wear diapers(my 28 year old gay cousin has a closet full of adult diapers) so they made it into a "kink" to hide that fact. I don't even think most normies realize gay men have to wear diapers or shit "literally" will just fall out of their ass.

Its because they feel safe admitting what they are to the world and that they're looking for a relationship in June. It also gives them a chance to meet others and they become suspect of their significant other at the time because they feel he/she is thinking the same thing.

They use enemas.

Gay people who go to these kind of place take PrEP/Truvada. They can't get AIDS.

This is probably just more spam like every other thread but; if you have that many gay people in your family then the older generation was doing a lot of molesting.

Protip: they already have the aids.
>and the clap and blown out colons and worms and intestinal parasites and anal warts and syphilis and herpes and now monkey pox

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In Africa and in the US maybe, but in place where people have access to healthcare, HIV prevalence is really low, even among gay people who have plenty of partner.

Just gross in every aspect Imaginable…

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Wow is your retarded?

Kek all this suggests is that anecdotally you only know dirty whore gays.
There’s a whole lot of conservative faggots out there who spend their whole lives in monogamous relationships, it’s not their fault you only hang out with the sluts.

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Are those things the new GDQ speed runners this year?

>calls pic gross
>has pic saved on phone
Kekkek we all know you jerk off to it you sick fuck Kekkek

>now I want to plant my sneed deep inside a niggers barnacle encrusted poopshute!

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Fappity fap fap

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He's going to die from that shit

Execute with extreme prejudice

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This is because homosexual behavior is primarily driven by neurosis. 99% of gays were not "born this way", their environments made them gay.

Itt: Transphobic BIGOTS!

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I notice that gays are worse than bisexuals I always see a gay going on about taking multiple people just like the one in that webm but never a bisexual doing the exact same thing.