Does anyone else have a downie fetish?

Does anyone else have a downie fetish?

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Any retards that have onlyfans?
Asking for a friend

Something super hot about creaming a tard


nah not really. most of them are soulless, violent egomaniacs. i can tolerate they exist but i don't want to associate with them

bump, any photos?

a tard would crush your balls for good, i heard they're like wild animals when it comes to fucking

she's pretty cute


Attached: 90365-sofia-jirau-instagramatsofiajirau.jpg (970x544, 68.63K)

Tards are where it's at
Check out this new Victoria's Secret model

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Why do you want to create asians?


/sp/ has, over one brit tennis player

My cousin is right up there. He's mad crazy.
His name is Harmonoff.

One time we went to Special Olympics on a school trip. Seventh grade, whatever.
He tried to pick up these retarded bitches. That nigga's crazy. He's still got a thing for them.

He caught one dope bitch that day, she had those leg braces and shit, but she had a fat ass.

He brought her into the bathroom and fucked the shit out of her. He was telling me that the leg
braces were scratching up his shit, but he hit her hard, yo. She was all drooling and shit.

So, he's pretty crazy, he'll do whatever to bust a nut. She wanted to take the leg braces off, but he was just like "Fuck it, let's hit this up real quick, like quickie style.

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The smell...

How would one go about volunteering for the Special Olympics?

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You mean because they have a mind of a child?

somebody already molesting it in the picture in the background

Yeah of course thats the only was OP get sex when the other part is unable to give informed consent.