Be me

>be me
>stop smoking weed after years of smoking almost every day
>feel really good and optimistic about everything once I am fully sober
>smoke weed after not smoking for a while
>instantly get depressed and feel insignificant in this big world we live in

What the fuck? I thought weed was supposed to make you happy.
Now I don't even want to smoke again, I hate feeling like this.

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Then do a real drug like crack or meth

It's not the weed it's you . You have mental issues. Go get checked.

Weed doesn't make you happy, it makes you stupid. There's a difference. Once you know better, you can't go back, you'll just realize how... stupid you are.

Weed can act as a stimulant or a depressant.

Sounds like is a depressant for you and you should just kill yourself

See that's the thing, i feel like weed really does change people in a negative way.
I think I'm going to stop smoking for good, I feel like I've just kind of grown out of it anyways and it's kind of a zoomer thing to do.

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I've heard that before, but to be honest I was the best I have ever been in a long time when I quit smoking weed.
I honestly enjoy being sober more than high at this point.

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I always feel like that smoking weed in the US because it's too damn strong man. I'm in the country of Africa right now and the weed still gets you high, but it's like a nice sociable goofy high. Doesn't make you fall into your thoughts and stuff. I also don't smoke alone except very occasionally when I wanna watch some documentaries or shit. Used to smoke alone a ton until one of my friends pointed out that drinking alone is bad and smoking should be too. I can't help but agree.

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Currently smoked everyday for around 6-7 months. Around 2-3g of light hashish on a bong. I start around 04pm and stop around 10pm.

I am addicted no doubt. But it is all mentally - just had my first pause two days ago drinking a lot of chamoille Tea. God damn it was comfy and I slept amazing. I had worried I would get trouble sleeping since I didnt smoke.

I smoked the day after and it sucked balls compared to sober. So will spam 2-3L of chamoille tea again in search of that comfy, warm feeling around my anus from sweet, sweet tea

>warm feeling around my anus

Tea does sound pretty good right now.
Maybe I will try and see if that makes me feel better

I feel like you are trying to tell me that I need to go to africa

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That’s because you have mental illness, faggot femboy / trans ywnbaw. You are too weak to use teenager’s drug

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It's better if you use it socially rather than smoking alone, since you smoked every day I'm guessing you got something out of it at some point and now it's just boring and you feel like you're falling back into a pattern when you smoke again.

Yeah that actually sounds pretty accurate.
I think smoking alone may be the main issue, since it puts me deep into my own thoughts and feelings.

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I too, most of the time can't stand smoking alone anymore.
Been smoking for some years almost daily. It started out by having a great time with friends. Then I started smoking on my own from time to time and ended up doing it daily.
It felt good for most of the time, but back then I was much younger and wasting all my time with video games and so on.
Nowadays when I smoke alone, I often get lost in negative thoughts and can't seem to stop them.
The only time I can really enjoy it is when I'm with friends or other people.

“Weed is fine!” ~jews

Maybe just stop smoking if you don't like it I dunno man

It has never made me depressed once and I smoked alone more often than not and honestly prefer it that way. It makes music beautiful and food delicious it also kills the pain I have in the right side of my body and allows me to talk to "God"

i guess its the chemicals that they spray the weed with, it's hard to find full natural ones these days unless you grow it yourself.
aaaand you have to kinda fight against the depression and anxiety.
haven't smoked for more than a month, got some after my brake, felt the same as you do + couldn't work out, like half of my strength went out of the window.
most likely its bcs of the sprayed shit they sell us

It's funny because I'm the opposite and started smoking again after taking a few years off. I don't really enjoy it as much now as I thought I would. I smoked a bowl an hour ago and it feels like time is moving insanely slow. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna keep smoking when I finish my stash, maybe once every few months if that.

Its because now a days they put demons in the shit and pray over ir with evil intent


Holy shit i kekd irl xD

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You are depressed because you body know you set a goal, ie don't smoke weed, and you didn't achieve that goal, not because of the inherent properties of weed.

Happy and Stupid are very closely related, ignorance is bliss and whatnot.