Daily MAP thread

Daily MAP thread

Lets chat and just celebrate Pride Month, How are you doing fellow MAP anons? Whats going on in your live?

*This is not a thread for posting any loli or pics. Simply a place to talk.

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how's the glowies doin? still chasing you?

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You are in fact literally garbage, please kill yourself

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You better stay user you piece of shit and stay away from kids you subhuman scum

If only

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This bait's too stale

Only one cure for you peices of shit

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There is no need for them to hide them democrats are actively supporting this degeneracy. They are already grooming children. As long as they hide behind the gay/pride banner dems will support it. Biden is a pedophile himself.

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Can you believe how many fucking people are falling for it though?
This started like two years ago I think and holy shit people are actually afraid.
You should be trolling the people who fall for this.

acting like tennessee republicans didnt sign a new law pretty much removing age of consent. thats the trick to rightwingers. everytime they say something the other side is doing just imagine theyre talking about themselves. theyre masters of gaslighting strawmanning and deflecting

Why do people have to shoot up schools instead of you faggots?

I left the cave and everything is fucking gay now. Plato is a liar

It's pretty ignorant to lump all right wingers in with a bunch of pedos. You could call all left winger pedos too, because of the seedy underbelly of Hollywood progresive liberals. Nobody in power is out there to try to help you.

I'm taking the opportunity before the jannies 404 this thread to kindly tell you to rope yourself

Pedophilia is a gift from god

it is death. but there is hope. treatment for your terminal disorder.
just snap yourself with a rubber band to the hottest loli in the thread every day, save the images, then edge to the collection on the weekend but taser yourself in the snap spot before you can cum.

Hey sisters!

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