I cheated on my wife and all i feel is fucking miserable about it. I cant sleep and i cant function

I cheated on my wife and all i feel is fucking miserable about it. I cant sleep and i cant function.

Me and my wife have been together 4 years now im only 26 years old and we dated maybe 8 months before we got married bit rushed. She was my first girl and we have a child together shes only 2 years old.

I love them both. I cant stand some things, like how shes still obese after child birth i thought that was temporary. She always complains that she has no friends or how her friendships dont last because she honestly seems a mildly autistic so when i get home she chats shit to me all evening and night and all i want to do is to be left alone for the night gaming instead of being suffocated by someone around me 24/7 i feel i dont have my own space! I feel she should be out sorting things with her family or out just me and the baby maybe? Just so i feel i actually have a life.

Then, as part of my work placement there was this skills advancement course bullshit i could attend to gain new skills and possible promotion. A woman there was running it beautiful around 27 years old. A group of 5 of us multiple groups had 1to1s about any support we might need in our jobs and diversity and bullshit. Anyway, we clicked you know how the story goes except i lied and said i was single she did too i checked her facebook clearly lying.

Then, as odd as it sounds like its some LARP fantasy we fucked in one of the office meeting rooms and i instantly regretted it. I knew i should have avoided her but i wanted her really badly i was so horny she was independent, slim, smart, beautiful everything my wife isnt.

Im just so fucking lost, i dont even know what she saw in me tbh. The work placement thing was like 3 weeks ago now that woman has been and gone i will never see her again. She probably knows my FB but neither of us will message! I cant stop thinking about her, but i feel i need to be faithful and stay i do love my wife but i cant stop thinking about that woman. Why?

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You're 1 year early on the 5 year itch. Shit happens man, move on. Either seperate since you violated trust or attempt to repair which is utterly fucking pointless.

Your marriage is over even if you are still together. You gonna cheat again.

>Your marriage is over even if you are still together. You gonna cheat again.

Have you ever talked about these feelings of yours (before cheating) with your wife? Man those things must be in a day chat.
Also, did you ever visited a psychologist?

the worst part of cheating is when you realize of it. You are in the shit op

Sounds like you have unfulfilled desires in your relationship. You are not physically attracted to your wife anymore, and the spark or thrill that made the relationship what it was at first is absent.

I think you should A.)

Do not speak to the woman you hooked up with ever again. If it's over, it's over. If she has a relationship, leave it be. Clearly she didn't care that she cheated, you also may not know about the nature of her relationship with her actual partner. It could be open for all you know.

Secondly, if the shame and the guilt is crushing you that badly, tell your wife that you need some time apart. I would ask a friend of I could stay with them for awhile. Or a family member or neighbor you are on good terms with.

If you tell your wife you cheated on her, there will be no coming back from it. That is why I am suggesting that you take a few weeks (maybe more) of time away from her. Tell her only as much as you really need to right now. "I'm not happy right now babe. I need some space."

I have no sympathy for cheating but I do empathize with the lack of fulfillment in the relationship. The best thing you can do for yourself is get some good amount of time away from her to reevaluate the relationship, what left of it you do enjoy, or if it's worth trying to work through with her.

You can leave her you know. As long as you do your duty as a father, and continue to take care of your daughter, that still makes you a redeemable person, and a better man than many.

i feel you user im 28 years old engaged with a 2 year old. all i want to do is just seperate. i feel like my wife hates me everytday and the child just adds more stress. ive fucked multiple girls already. my case differs a bit. i had a baby in another country. so im living in this shit country on top of that missing new york and my work to support my family. shes unreasonale and is like "raise a family with your love and emotions" yea but the economy is defaulting here. anyway dont have a baby in another country and definatly probably going to divorce her when the K1 visa goes through and we are back in America. at least your not a peice of shit and your thinking about your kid user its hard to do. if you were an garbage humen you would have just forgot about the kid.

Get the fuck over it you cry baby faggot. You’ll forget about it in a few weeks.

is your wifes libido high? how often do you two have sex?

Fuuuuuuck. You should kill yourself. And record kt and post it. There's no coming back. Like others have said. So just end the suffering friendo..

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i cheat because im 28 and horny as fuck and my wife has sex with me like once a month and its fucking horrible.

she probably has cheated on you too so now you are even.

man up the fug up wanker and just do it over and over again. this will make you get a pair finaly!
when your cunt cant satisfy you daily, you allowed to shagg every woman will to do so.

I feel ya dude. Waiting on that K1 visa, I'm back in the US though and haven't seen my daughter in 10 months. Sucks.

thanks user, i got trapped in argentina and had a baby what country did you have your child in?
also USCIS is slow as fuuuuuuck.

thats rough the longest ive been away from my daughter was 6 months. i always travel back and forth.

I used to cheat often in the first few years of marriage but stopped and have been happily married and monogamous for years. I decided I like my chubby wife. You can too bro

Part of me just cant be arsed. Im 26 and married, i just really dont want the hassle of her going scitzo and taking all my shit during divorce and the tears and shit its too much for me emotionally i feel fucking terrible by taking away all that she has left she has nobody in her life and i feel like im all she has and it fucking sucks because i dont need her she craves attention all the time while she reaps my work by playing on her phone all day on the sofa at home. I dont get it either because ive never needed anyone, i just go to work, call someone a cunt on Any Forums or GOW or COD and im fine. Maybe go out for a drink with family too!

Also sometimes its good having her round, she went away on holiday 2 years ago with her dad who she hasnt talked to since it drives me crazy she always expects people to get in touch. It was great, i cleared out the garage and played my shit music without some shitty "why you doing that for, its terrible".

I talked to her about it last year but she goes fucking scitzo about how she tries her hardest and she cant lose the "baby weight" or make friends or go out, get a job or make up with family. Its like i come home to a pig sty after work too! I notice she wont take baby out unless i come with her or she wont clean up unless i do it too. Fuck, no wonder i cheated.

But she does good things too, she fucks me. What im saying is its probably not good enough and i just want her to be someone shes not i guess.

Jesus, what a fucking whingeing pussy you are. So you fucked up by shagging another woman. Shit happens. You're one of millions of people who have done it. The guilt will be gone in a few weeks, you're just self flagellating right now. Most people do.

If you love your wife, don't do it again and make amends by appreciating her more than you have of late. If you think you'll do it again, be kind to her and end it, so she can find someone who values her as she should be.

Most of all, make a fucking decision and stop being a self pitying little cunt.

Ya'll sound like trash people.

Taiwan. Quarantine was 14 days the last time I went. I spent like 10 days out of quarantine. So I have to take more than three weeks off work for just 10 days in country. Was just not feasible to do often.

Yep, she just throws excuses. She refuses to eat healthy, do exercise or go to the gym or even get a life unless i basically coach her to do it. Fuck me dude, she went pre diabetic 2 years back helped her carb count completely reversed it but then when i stop coaching her she does shit again shes lazy, unmotivated and doesnt want to take control of her own life. I go to work and go to the gym once a week because it helps me relieve stress but her, no.

I want her to take control and think like a normal human being. Its like im never talking to her as an adult, but as a child. She always looks at me for approval rather than discussion. She cant think for herself or do anything its sort of always me i just dont know i honestly feel i want to break up but if i do i dont want to end up with nothing i want something because i do have something.

Just divorce. Do you think you're the first person who cheated?
If you respect your wife, tell her the truth. Yeah, it's not gonna be pretty, deal with it. You already fucked up. Be a man.