It’s it possible to change the shape of your butt? specially the line creases where it meets your thighs?

It’s it possible to change the shape of your butt? specially the line creases where it meets your thighs?

if everything’s still shit by next year i’m just gonna become a fucking femboy and suck cock forever

Attached: D37AF7FD-AB12-42FA-B223-DC09EE2C7902.jpg (1200x630, 69K)

That 78% is white bitches

Yeah. Do squats fgt

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>It’s it possible to change the shape of your butt?
Unironically hormones. Sometimes gaining weight can help

Wrong faggot. Squats add overall volume but if you need help on the crease you isolate with kick backs fire hydrants and others. Squats dont give a crease they develops legs and glutes for overall size and strength.

You've got a nice butt tho!

Nice butt user. Would fugg

Post what you look like right now to see what’s in the realm of possible

OK but would you sugg?

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Nice image. I like how I can't actually read the whole thing.
>If my ass isn't going to become more feminine, I will start sucking dick
See the oxymoron?
Anyway, there are glute exercises you can do to toughen up your ass, but not your arsehole. Keep that in mind.

Jesus, a married man? What a loser!

it's all about diet. Gain weight but also do cardio, and then lose weight.

It's my dads wedding band. I wear it in memorium; both my parents passed in an automobile accident a few years back.

Anyway, you sugg dick or nah?

I’m the user who said would fugg. Yeah I’d suck that. Sorry about your parents user. We could cuddle and talk about that too.

No that's genotype x phenotype (and hormone response).
Once ass shape os locked it, you can only change it's relative size.
Some girls try to build a huge amount of gluetal muscle, but that's noting but body building- ass shape is genetically the same


I have a square shape and I hate it

Can I see it? Square can be nice

That’s me haha. Don’t post as Me weirdo.

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Lol I just happened to recognize the underwear from 2 threads today, couldn't help myself.

I had to stop when that one guy started being nice to me/you

Haha no worries

Glad you kept the pic

>I had to stop when that one guy started being nice to me/you

I was assuming momentarily someone's persona and while it's fun to mess with people if it feels like I'm stirring something genuine in a person I feel that's when it becomes a disgusting activity and not just a bit of fun.

It seemed my excuse for the man's wedding ring had been met with tenderness and i wasn't gonna be more of a twat.

Swim a lot, and focus on your legs.
Butt will be hard as stone in whatever shape you naturally have, and that's what women look for.
>t. swimfag that quit for 10 years and just picked it up again, receiving compliments weekly