What is the gayest most retarded movie you have ever seen?

What is the gayest most retarded movie you have ever seen?

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Eraserhead by Lynch. I didn't understand goatfuck about it.

that movie lucy with the drug stomach girl who becomes a usb

I understood it and boy is it still a fucking gay and retarded movie

That was a good movie

His cupboard is a metaphor for baggage thats about it.

mother (2017). absolute waste of 2 hours of my life.

The Grifter

Boondock Saints. An entire film designed to pander to teenage power fantasist retards. Fuck that movie and fuck any shithead who enjoys it.

Yeah that movie was fucking retarded, I second this.

hey don't talk shit about the butterfly effect

same old you lol


the butterfly effect is great

Came to post this, and I love his other movies.
>also pic related

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did you post this as bait?
Butterfly effect was a great film. Made me wish I could go back in time and correct all my fuck ups.

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Wasn't the shitty ending the one that hit the theaters at first? I recall that's why a lot of people hated it.

Gayest was The Basketball Diaries Leo sucked cocks for drug money. Most retarded Ghostbusters 2. I thought it was funny but it was really a bad movie.

Say hi to your mother for me

Babies don't commit suicide.
What a piece of shit movie. It had potential up until that moment when the baby killed themselves.

you mean it mad your mom go back in time and wish she swallowed you?

No people hated that movie because it made no sense and didn't even follow its own logic.

Case in point: The scene where Kutcher's character is in prison and he goes back in time to when he was in elementary school and stabs himself in the hands to convince the religious prisoner to help him. The film establishes early on that any small change to the past has massive consequences in the future. That's literally supposed to be the point of the fucking movie. But when he gets back to the present, he's still in prison, almost everything else is exactly the same. The only change is that he now has scars on his hands. The movie starts off with a great premise that gets completely fucked sideways by lazy writing and crass, exploitative bullshit.

So yeah, the hatred is totally justified.

because the only think he changed in that timeline was his hands.

Time travel movies separate the mongs from the people i find

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Monuments Men