Women these days really don't care about their child as much as they say they do...

Women these days really don't care about their child as much as they say they do. They will give up morals and let them be gay, just so they’ll be "on their side". Many parents even encourage it. These children are being indoctrinated. What has this world come to?

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OK whiner

Go back to Any Forums

Welcome to the destabilization part of the plan, here is when the state makes parents care so little of their kids that the state can groom them into perfect little "voters"

I will tell you something,the reason why the guy's death been affecting me that much lately is due the realization that it happened a long long time ago,considering my age,so most of what I am and have experienced so far,are from times already past his fate. I really really wish I could bring him back somehow,over 20 years ago but only recently been that moved about the fact. Dude's gone and there's nothing else to be done. Great deal of sorrow upon me over this,specially within this last week,been reading about the guy's work,all sorts of characters and roles,good times,from a not that distance but still quite far away past. Very very sad thinking about whay if.... an alternative reality you know? Sad to be in a world in which such a great person is gone,gone that long ago....

Take your meds, schizo

Only trannies hate woman they will never be. Neck it faggot.

Children today are seen as pets. People have them without taking a second to look at the responsibility and if it’s right. People with genetic disorders still have children thinking they won’t get it. Just poisoning the human genetics. I see how children are treated too everyday. Parents just let them run around aimlessly with no guidance and they wonder why all kids are turning out to be lazy and with a god complex. I’m not saying beat your children, just teach the right ethics and don’t have children when you have serious genetic issues. Also this seems obvious, but don’t intake nicotine, alcohol, or thc during pregnancy. You wouldn't believe how many dumbass 90’s kids think they are aloud to do this.

Conservatives are the saddest people, I swear to God.

ok, I’d like to hear what you have to say

Sad is an understatement. Imagine being so small minded and pool shitting retarded that thinking gay people not being relentlessly shit on 24/7 is the fall of western civilization instead of actual problems

>Rampant homelessness and rising cost of living
>More mass shootings than days of the year in 2022 so far
>Fascism on the rise
>20+ year illegal wars going unchecked both legally and financially

Every major disease is amplified by faggots, but let's just ignore that so we can all suffer physically altering monkey pox, or get anchored to a pharmaceutical company for aids meds until u die, also so you can feel equal to whores who have 80 partners a year.

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Keep blaming the gays for all of your problems instead of looking at the world around you and realizing that there are far worse problems than whether a man likes cock or not, you pool shitting retarded faggot

My argument wasn’t about gays, however I’m not op. I just want to know why people pop them out without looking at the consequences.

there’s a difference between “man liking cock” and “man whoring for cock”.

Because I like to feast on emo poop. youtu.be/iBFOw7EIL6s

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As soon as you go back to discord

lmao stfu you sound like a faggot. this guy believes in getting rid of abortion everyone watch out

>this guy believes in getting rid of abortion everyone watch out
Schizoid maniac I said nothing of the sort. But since you have outted yourself as a filthy liberal, seeeeeethe moar

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Found the Fed

No, it's a complete summation of conservative ideology in the modern day. Let's not focus on the military industrial complex, let's not focus on literal fucking dead children, let's not focus on homelessness and growing poverty, let's not focus on a pandemic that has killed double the Americans that both world wars have in half the time America was involved in the second one, but If you allow kids to be gay, then you're allowing the downfall of modern society.

Want less homeless? Stop immigrants
Want less dead kids? Stop public schools
Want less poverty? Stop taxing so much

I remember being 16 too.

Too bad you "grew out" of sensible and into dumbfuckery

>What has this world come to?
Shit posts and bait threads. Sad.

No, I just grew out of the schizoid shit you retards believe and came to grips with the reality I'm surrounded by. I grew out of your death cult.